One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows is a game from the anime and manga series, One Punch Man. The manga and anime revolve around a superhero, Saitama, ...[Read More]
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint needed Episode 2. Since release the game has suffered a kind of identity crisis for many players. At release...[Read More]
Before the announcement of The Division 2 Warlords of New York, it had been several months since I had set down and played a hearty amount of my favor...[Read More]
Year in and year out, the folks at San Diego Studios put out the best sports game to start a fresh year. I know that might seem like a ‘hot take’ (loo...[Read More]
Just when you thought it might be safe to hack ’n slash your way through a game, we get the evil cousin of Dark Souls with Nioh 2. Nioh 2 is a fascina...[Read More]
Journey to the Savage Planet Picture this, you’re releasing a game that is part No Man’s Sky (the original release), except more populated, teeming wi...[Read More]
Well, welcome back, Media Molecule. We have missed you tremendously. It has been a few years since Media Molecule has brought out a creatively flavore...[Read More]
If you were to boot up The Division today, you would be treated to one of the most polished live games currently available. As both labor of love and ...[Read More]
EarthNight captures the raw feeling of impactful adventure in the first quick, effortless moments of its introduction. The opening theme, an emotional...[Read More]
One of the most entertaining things I did in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands was fight the titular alien Predator in a jungle with three of m...[Read More]
It took me nearly two hours to create my character in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Ultimate Edition. A sliver of that time was devoted towards det...[Read More]
Eclipse: Edge of Light was a tough one to review. This was the first game that activated my ‘motion sickness’ within a PSVR environment. The only othe...[Read More]