Mobile gaming is hit or miss with me, with the latter being the most likely outcome when it comes to my gaming entertainment experience. Being that I’...[Read More]
There are some games out there that are easy-breezy to get through. One such game is Sayonara Wild Hearts, where you start low in a deep depression, a...[Read More]
Thinking back to the SNES era of platforming, I immediately recognize fast-paced traversal, ranged combat, and incredibly satisfying soundtrack making...[Read More]
Back in 2016, Night School Studio released Oxenfree which ended up being one of the most surprisingly entertaining games of that year. The game featur...[Read More]
After having previewed the first few levels of Ghost Trick: The Phantom Detective a month or so ago, I walked away impressed thinking that the full ve...[Read More]
I wasn’t sure about Dave the Diver. The whole concept of diving into an ocean, spear-fishing animals, and then taking them back to cook at a sushi res...[Read More]
Chumps Preview is a special kind of post where we unofficially preview games in Early Access, Beta, or are otherwise “unfinished.” This kind of previe...[Read More]
It feels like it has been forever since I last played Escape Academy. If you’re not familiar with the game, it’s made by developer Coin Crew Games, wh...[Read More]
The Curious Case Of Solving Cases But In Games If there is another genre I enjoy besides RPG, simulator, and horror, it is mystery. I love investigati...[Read More]
Some games have so many moving pieces and parts that you think you know it only to find out that you’ve misread what it is about completely. Playing F...[Read More]
Throughout my tenure as a video game writer, spanning over 20 years, one of the more delightful elements of choice for me in gameplay design has been ...[Read More]