Power A folks were nice enough to send us a couple of controllers to check out from their Fusion series. One controller featured was for the Nintendo ...[Read More]
I enter the city of Los Ojos as one its last human cab drivers. My first passengers include a quantum physicist with eccentric curiosities, a worm-wor...[Read More]
FIFA 19 saw the conclusion to the Alex Hunter saga; one that sent him and his closest far and wide to progress careers and achieve their fever pitch d...[Read More]
Genres die. Rail-shooters like Starfox and Panzer Dragoon struggled for relevance at the turn of the century. Point-and-click adventure games disappea...[Read More]
Playing Astral Chain is like playing PlatinumGames’ greatest hits all at once. Bayonetta’s stylish action is the cornerstone of its melee ...[Read More]
A lot of people liked Final Fantasy VII. A lot of those people were confused and angry two years later when Final Fantasy VIII erased everything they ...[Read More]
Oninaki is equipped with all of the necessary materials to construct a genuine Japanese role-playing game. It has a world consumed by fantastic corrup...[Read More]
In a perfect world, Puyo Puyo would share the Falling Block Game throne with Tetris. Compile’s 1991 MSX2 original quickly found popularity in Ja...[Read More]