One of my only claims to video game fame is winning a Mortal Kombat tournament my freshman year of high school, the first time I ever played it. I am ...[Read More]
Ten years ago Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim comics were at the top of the nerdy game. Though Scott’s run on the page had come t...[Read More]
I’ve played a lot of Nintendo versions of Warriors games. From Fire Emblem Warriors to the first Hyrule Warriors games, I’ve always felt that somethin...[Read More]
Disclaimer: WB Games sent Digitalchumps this for review. Although Bakugan: Champions of Vestroia could seem like a straight-forward game on the surfa...[Read More]
This was my first interactive novel, so to be quite frank it’s new reviewing territory for me. How does one review someone’s art? The typical formula ...[Read More]
When the original Oddworld: Abe’s Odysee was released in 1997, I was only just born into the world. I never knew much about the series growing up, exc...[Read More]