Going into Superliminal, I was expecting a routine puzzle game. When the puzzles started to warp and play with my perspective, those expectations were...[Read More]
A developer takes a real chance when it comes to creating and releasing an arena fighter. There have been so many released over the last 5-10 years th...[Read More]
Carrion posits its player will relish an opportunity to play as a ruthless jumble of teeth, viscera, and carnage. In a medium lined with antiheroes an...[Read More]
Most people don’t know that LucasArts (formerly LucasFilm Games, currently nothing, sadly) created the point and click genre. They developed the idea ...[Read More]
When Superhot finally released in 2016, its novel take on the first-person shooter allowed safe passage into best-of lists at the end of the year. Its...[Read More]
In 2011 I had never played a game like Catherine. In 2020, with the Switch release of Catherine: Full Body’s treasure chest of enhancements and ...[Read More]
Iron Man VR really goes for it. It could have passed as a tightly controlled rail-shooter, a narrative adventure, or a good-enough flight simulator wi...[Read More]