Red Garden: The Complete Series Box Set & OVA

Red Garden: The Complete Series Box Set & OVA

The visuals are far from your typical anime.  The character designs seem to be aimed toward a more grittier almost realistic style as opposed to the big eyed, small-mouth, no-nosed style we’ve all gotten accustomed to in anime.  The backgrounds are beautifully rendered and amazingly detailed, especially for being set in New York.  The background music is really haunting and surreal suiting the series the well.  The little snippits of songs added into various episodes of the series seem a tad out of place at times but doesn’t detract from the series as a whole.  The end themes are a bit odd, being more an interesting mix of hip hip, pop, and techno.  Definitely not something you’d expect from a series seemingly focused on horror and mystery.  The voice acting from both cast is superb though I’ve noticed one problem that seems to be common in most anime.  It’s very prevalent in this one because well it’s happens at least once every other episode or so.  That’s the screaming.  While in this series it’s very justifiable, it seems forced at times, and it can be a bit of a detraction from the mood of the scene.  Particularly in the sadder scenes.  Still overall, it makes for a bit more of realistic series that isn’t simply playing to the emotion of others.  Instead they focus on how real they can create a scene in a setting so unreal.  A goal that I consider truly admirable.



This anime has your standard fair of a handful of trailers from Funimation and clean opening and ending songs.