Ragnarok: The Animation – First Quest v.1

Ragnarok: The Animation – First Quest v.1

Throughout their travels they meet many interesting characters, some of whom join up and help them. While traveling through the bustling city of Prontera they meet the mysterious blindfolded Sorcerer Takius, whose ominous quest for the “Truth” is more dangerous than it sounds. While sludging around the sewers of Prontera they meet up with the troublesome Maya, professional merchant and treasure looter. A young girl who’s spirited yet greedy nature belies a troubled past. During a dangerous foray into the haunted Geffen Tower they meet new and old friends alike. Iruga, an Assassin and old friend of Yufa’s brother saves a separated and overmatched Roan from a deadly Doppelganger. His somber personality adds a level of seriousness to an otherwise silly band of heroes. Meanwhile Judia the Hunter arrives to help the rest of the group fend off a hoofed Nightmare. Accompanied by her falcon (aptly named Falco), this sassy girl wears her emotions on her sleeves and has no problem telling you about what she doesn’t like.

This first volume mainly deals with the back stories of each character. You get to see Roan and Yufa’s first adventures with her brother Keough and Iruga. As well as the tragic past of Maya, an orphaned baby who was the only survivor found on a wrecked ship in Alberta. Judia relays a tale how she first met Iruga in the Labyrinth Forest. She gets abducted by bandits and it’s up to Iruga to save her from having to marry the bandit leader! Takius’s quest for the “Truth” leads her to a giant ant nest to witness the birth of the next queen ant, an event that happens only once a year. But all is not well as Takius as if in a trance destroys the Queen’s egg! After the destruction of the nest as it seeks revenge against Takius you see her teacher Zephyr laughing maniacally as he exclaims being closer to the “Truth”! What is this “Truth” that both of them seek and how will it affect Takius and her newfound friends?

Just because it’s a back story volume doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of dangerous and mysterious villains! Throughout this volume you see a strange masked elf girl named Zealotus spying on our heroes from time to time. We also have Baphomet the Goat Demon, an old enemy of both Keough and Iruga. As well as the enigmatic masked man called Haze by Iruga. Even masked you can see the resemblance to Yufa’s older brother Keough! Dangerous times foreshadow our heroes in their travels to come.