What do pirates and yakuza have in common? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yet, Ryu Ga Gotoku reached deep to make these two disparate thematics work in ...[Read More]
Yakuza Kiwami was added to PlayStation Plus in November 2018. At that time, I was not in a position to play it because of school and my obsession with...[Read More]
It looks like we’re remaking each and every Sonic game thanks to the Sonic anniversary. This isn’t a callout; this is a statement. As a fan of Sonic (...[Read More]
My time with the Monkey Ball series is minimal. Part of the reason is that I haven’t realized how many of these games have graced mobile. I’ve been ou...[Read More]
It’s been incredibly hard to review Unicorn Overlord. I don’t say this because the game was difficult (it is), nor because of it being complicated (it...[Read More]
Some twenty years ago when I first played through the original Yakuza on PS2 I had no expectation that the series would garner such a following that i...[Read More]
SEGA has listened, folks. After years of wishing, wanting, and hoping for a new (yes, brand new!) Sonic the Hedgehog title that sticks true to its 2D ...[Read More]
A little over a year ago, Sonic Origins released on multiple platforms. In my original review, I rated it a 9/10, justifying its inclusion of original...[Read More]
Before we get started, you all should know that I have been an avid SEGA and Sonic fan since the late 80s (SEGA) and early 90s (Sonic). I have shared ...[Read More]
Childhood summers in Chicago were memorable for a few reasons, one of which was Sonic the Hedgehog. Every July/August I would visit my Grandmother for...[Read More]