2019’s Jedi: Fallen Order was somewhat of a renaissance moment for EA’s Star Wars games. It boasted a spectacular action-packed ...[Read More]
We had the good fortune of being invited to a preview of F1 22 featuring Senior Creative Director Lee Mather, a constant throughout the F1 series. The...[Read More]
My virtual ‘racing claim to fame’ is when I finished ahead of 4-time iRacing Coke Champion Ray Alfala in last year’s ‘FireCracker 400’ Pre...[Read More]
There’s something about pushing a car to the limits that I love. You’re on the ragged edge pushing for every inch of asphalt, reaching for every tenth...[Read More]
FIFA 19 saw the conclusion to the Alex Hunter saga; one that sent him and his closest far and wide to progress careers and achieve their fever pitch d...[Read More]