Street Fighter II returns in style and on the game starved Nintendo Switch. Not a lot to hate about this title, though the price is a bit of a concern...[Read More]
Kart racing bliss. Nearly three years ago today, with Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U, Nintendo released what was arguably the best game in the Mario Kart ...[Read More]
Perhaps the only situation where getting snipped is actually fun. One of the Nintendo Switch’s best games at launch might be one of its least expected...[Read More]
At $20, Fast RMX represents one of the best values on the Switch at launch thanks to its gripping futuristic racing gameplay and smooth visuals. I did...[Read More]
As one gets older, it’s tougher to be hip. It’s easier to hurt one’s hip, but it’s tougher to BE hip. Not even sure ‘hip’ is a thing now. Doesn’t matt...[Read More]
Last July, Tokyo RPG Factory released their debut JRPG on the PS4 and PC with I Am Setsuna. I missed out on it back then, but was pleased to get a sec...[Read More]
Control the agile Specter Knight in a prequel to 2014’s popular indie hit Shovel Knight, that was released on about as many platforms as the ori...[Read More]
Bomberman has been out of action for a half decade or more depending on how you count, but as a franchise, it’s been around for over thirty year...[Read More]
Last October, the latest entry in the annual Skylander series was released — Imaginators. This year, the only console Skylanders we’re lik...[Read More]
There is so much to cover about a game as deep as Breath of the Wild that it’s nearly impossible to fit it all into one cohesive review. As a result ...[Read More]
I think you are now ready… ready to hear what happened two weeks ago. Dear impatient optimists, dear pragmatic skeptics, dear dedicated detractors… I ...[Read More]
It’s time. Prepare yourself. Hello everyone, and welcome to the DigitalChumps preview of everyone’s most anticipated title. I’m pleased to rep...[Read More]