When Transformers: The Movie arrived in the late 80s, it was something to behold. It was Orson Welles’ last performance, as he voiced over the vicious...[Read More]
Ric Roman Waugh’s Angel Has Fallen, third in its trilogy – which will certainly one day rise to a tetralogy, pentalogy, and so on – doesn’...[Read More]
The thrillers involving “super” soldiers who have a track record for being something safe for studios to produce. They get a big star, throw a plot to...[Read More]
Hostiles was an incredibly intriguing film to watch. There were some good parts, and some that weren’t that hot. It falls short of some of the heights...[Read More]
Knowing really does have some potential and some intriguing sequences. The movie begins with a whole flash-black cold open deal. Students in 1959 are ...[Read More]
I like many people spent most of my time between December of 2015 and December of 2017, eagerly awaiting the next installment of the science-fantasy s...[Read More]