The Jake Hunter franchise is much older and bigger than you would know if you just went off the fraction of it released in the US. Ten years ago, Jake...[Read More]
First released on the DS in 2011, Radiant Historia makes a return to the 3DS this week in an enhanced version of the original. Radiant Historia: Perfe...[Read More]
The fourth Ace Attorney game, and the series’ best-seller, is nearly ten years old, but now joins the previous three in being available on the 3...[Read More]
Metroid II: Return of Samus was first released in 1991, a time when I was doing very little console gaming (PC instead). My first foray into the world...[Read More]
Fire Emblem. Cool name, very long-running and heralded series — but one I have always avoided. I knew these games were special, and some colleag...[Read More]