Persona – Trinity Soul-, Volume 2 Premium Edition

Persona – Trinity Soul-, Volume 2 Premium Edition


As the quiet period following the disappearance of Police Chief Ryo Kanzato is broken by the appearance of an out-of-control Persona user, and two more Reverse Cases, the investigating officers notice a strange rise in sufferers of Apathy Syndrome.  Cases of apathy haven’t been this high in ten years (the period since the conclusion of the Persona 3 game), and it’s becoming clear that a coming battle is brewing.

The Marebito, a group of youths who have been artificially implanted with Persona, are becoming desperate.  A control drug, necessary to keep their Complex Personas in check, is becoming scarce, and the remaining members are willing to bargain for what’s left of the supply.  Without it, they have trouble not only in keeping their Persona restrained, but the sheer amount of stolen psyches within them seem to be driving them mad.  As their purpose is finally made clear, and the true goal of their creator falls far short of their hopes, they can only try to plan for their own survival.

Meanwhile, the collective psyche of humanity is growing restless, and Jun in particular seems sensitive to  its pain, as well as those of other tortured Persona.  The combined persona of Jun and Yuki (his twin, who “died” in a car accident, but a brain transplant (!) has allowed to live on in Jun’s mind and body) may be the key to calming this strange consciousness and returning normalcy to humanity.  However, Shin is learning details of his youth and family history that change his world forever.  What is the purpose of Persona, and why can’t adults summon them?  Who is the mysterious girl with strange eyes, and is she real or just a hallucination?   And what of her strange warnings regarding “the Whale” and the portentious appearance of the unclassified feathers that converge in places where the Whale is disturbed?

The mood and pace of these two discs is flawless:  Moody, atmospheric, and above all, very collected and straightforward.  Honestly, with all the opportunity to exploit classic anime stereotypes (Twin body possession, the ability to summon a monster-like creature and engage in battle with it, clones with creepy colorations and psychic powers, human control via the subconscious mind, and so much more that I can’t hint at without spoiling), this production company has instead presented a deeply satisfying and brilliantly mysterious series that can easily stand independent of it’s source material and inspiration.    The art style is wonderful:  crisp, clean, and with a watercolor palette that can be at times delicate, and others, swirling and chaotic.  I’m told the pacing is also much improved in this second half of the series, and I will admit I was astonished and impressed with the magnitude to which all depths of this mystery were plumbed.  Those who expect a quick wrap up followed by a party for the returning heroes will be slackjawed when, after the first conflict is resolved, the complete history of how it began is exhumed and explained in amazing detail.

As a special bonus, this Premium Edition not only includes episodes 14-26 in two slim cases in a beatiful (and surprisingly sturdy) display box, it also includes…wait for it…an exclusive hardcover art book!  (I love art books!)  36 pages of art and information that can only enhance your knowledge and appreciation of the series.  From short synopsis (and screenshots) of each episode in this set, to short prose from the opener of each episode, to character profiles (mainly second-string characters in this book.  First-string characters were featured in the first box set),  illustrations from DVD covers, shots of different settings,  four-frame comics inspired by the events, interviews, and even model sheets of settings and scenery.  It’s truly an interesting addition to the series, and quite beautiful on its own (though it’s so episode specific that I feel you’d have to be a fan of the anime to really grasp the value).  If there are any drawbacks, I’d have to say the unusual dimensions of the book make the box sets more visually appealing when faced-out, and who has room for two 11″ wide sets on their shelves?  Still, much more than you can ordinarily expect from any box set whose extra is a tiny, fragile keychain or one-size tshirt.  Really a must-have, though, for collector types and fans of the series.