Nerima Daikon Brothers: Complete Box Set

Nerima Daikon Brothers: Complete Box Set





The box art is very stylish, showing the three main characters (as well as the Panda) standing in front of a police lineup, each striking a pose that really wraps up how each characters holds themselves in the show. The inside box art for each disk are equally entertaining, the first disk showing Mako trying to look seductive, the second box showing Ichiro looking equally seductive in his own unique way. The art used in the series is rather simplistic if not at times very outlandish. The background in the series is mostly the cityscape of Nerima, a rather busy town full of unique and bizarre characters. It’s drawn out rather well and looks very much like a typical anime city. The character animations are also pretty good, given that each character has their own unique way of expressing themselves. They managed through not only the voice work but also through their drawing style to have each character respond to each situation as would be appropriate for them. The series does exhibit a great deal of adult humor, each title being rather lewd and having quite a bit sexual connotation. Even the humor in the series is quite adult. The music, however, is what really makes this series amazing. It’s a very fun and catchy blues style music that will have you singing and humming the songs for days on end, and there is quite a bit of it. You’ll hear at least three or four songs each episode and they are all amusing in their own way. The opening credits are very fun to listen to as it basically gives you a rundown for the plot of the whole show. The ending credits are also very fun. In the English Dubbed, the song is the cast members actually thanking the audience for watching the series, though the Japanese version is really just a song about Mako. There is a pretty large difference between the two casts. The American cast has more western style jokes it and tends to be a tad bit more lewd. In the Japanese in the humor is a bit drier, though still very adult. Both are equally impressive and really get the feel for each character down. It really depends on which type of humor interest you more as to which one you would want to watch.





The extras are pretty standard for a DVD set. It has clean opening and closing credits, a handful of decent trailers, and a commentary for two of the episodes. The commentary is actually pretty amusing in of itself as the dialogue between the various people in it is quite varied and approaches very broad range of topics. In some ways its better then most interviews you’d see on other DVD’s.


Overall this series is a crazy, zany bluesy adventure with lots of great jokes and amusing and innovative puns. The music will have you tapping your feet and singing the songs and is fantastic for background noise. I definitely recommend this to anyone who isn’t afraid of an Anime Musical.