NBA 2K20

NBA 2K20
NBA 2K20

NBA 2K20 features the best gameplay to date with a plethora of content to chew into at launch. It’ll be interesting to see how the game shapes up throughout the year, even after a shaky launch. Launch bugs/glitches aside, NBA 2K20 is one of the better entries in the series.

Release Date:Genre:Rating:Developed By:Publisher:Platform:

I’m so conflicted with NBA 2K20. On one hand, it touts the strongest gameplay the series has had in years. On the other, it’s so chock-full of glitches and broken components at launch, that it’s nearly unplayable. The NBA 2K franchise has always been known as being a bit of a mess on launch-day/week, but NBA 2K20 is particularly broken. Yet for some reason, I can’t seem to shake that itch to keep coming back for more.

I would consider myself a 2K veteran at this point, even though I only truly picked up the series when the PS4 launched with 2K14. Be that as it may, I have seen 2K transform itself from “just another sports game” to one of the powerhouse gaming franchises. 2K is almost as ubiquitous to the game of basketball as Michael Jordan is at this point.

NBA 2K20 feels special though, even though many scoff at the idea of a yearly sports game being any shape of unique. The developers show that they know what they’re doing with the franchise and how to take it to the next level. Unfortunately it seems 2K20 could have used just a bit more time in the oven. It would only be fair of me to review each mode in the game since each have their own highlights, as well as lowlights that deserve a special spot on Shaqtin’ a Fool.

MyLeague/MyGM 2.0

MyLeague and MyGM are probably two of the more polished modes in NBA 2K20. Dedicated for the hardcore of the hardcore basketball simulation players, each mode offers the unique experience of what it takes to be a GM in the NBA. MyLeague and MyLeague online are dedicated to those who want to build a sort-of fantasy roster, and just play things out to see how their team can do over an 80-year span.

MyLeague Online specifically is interesting to me, and I wish I had more time to dive into it. The idea of building an online fantasy league with your friends and competing to see has the best franchise is very cool. It just takes a dedicated group of people to manage and maintain, of which is hard to come by unless you seek a group on Reddit.

MyGM has been one of my favorite modes since 2K14. Putting you in the hot seat as the GM of your favorite NBA team is always fun. The mode has the returning storyline feature from 2K19 where players maintain relationships with players, rival executives and the team owner as you pursue the goal of building a championship team. It’s fun, it’s challenging, and it offers more than just playing the actual game of basketball.

Players of course can select to simply play through a single season in the NBA, or newly added this year: a single season in the WNBA! That’s right! WNBA players have FINALLY come to NBA 2K. While not as integrated into the main modes as I would have hoped, their inclusion in the overall game is always welcomed.

These modes are the most polished modes of the games. While minor things have been adjusted from 2K19, the modes by-and-large remain the same from last year. Hardcore MyLeague/MyGM players will be satisfied, since they won’t really experience many of the issues the other modes are facing.


This is the one mode that I spend maybe one or two nights on, and move on from. There are many dedicated players out there who build up their MyPlayer and put the grind in at The Neighborhood and in MyCareer. I would highly recommend looking into the thoughts and feelings of dedicated MyPlayer players thoughts on the mode, and the issues associated with it, as I simply am not able to give it enough time to give it a full review! To those who are grinding away to be a 99: I salute you.


Ah, yes. MyTeam. MY favorite game mode. Since 2K14, I have played every single MyTeam. I have opened thousands and thousands of packs. I have spent thousands of real-world dollars (RIP to my wallet). I’ve been there when Pink Diamond LeBron James was accidentally given out as a locker code on Christmas Day, while being taken away from the developers the same day in a move reserved only for the Grinch. I was there when Pink Diamond was the highest tier of card you could get. I was there when Wes Unseld was one of the best players in the entire game. I love the mode deeply.

Even though I have spent many (and let me emphasize MANY) hours in MyTeam over the last 7 years, it never ceases to be fun. And with NBA 2K20, I’ve been sucked in to the addiction once again. The sheer amount of content 2K20’s MyTeam mode offers this year is absolutely uncanny.

The mode has always been multiplayer-focused, but 2K20 aims to beef up it’s single-player options. Between Triple Threat Offline, Domination and the various Challenge games, players looking to play solo will find plenty to do. Of course there’s always Triple Threat Online, MyTeam Unlimited (the traditional 5v5 online battles) and multiplayer challenges.

The content is all there, but there’s one addition to MyTeam that makes the whole mode much more rewarding this year: Evolution cards. Evolution cards are MyTeam cards that can improve their stats/gem tiers by achieving certain statistical milestones. The entire system is really encouraging the overall grind for the mode. In previous years, I always felt that once I completed Domination or went 12-0 in MyTeam Unlimited that I was done for awhile, since I already had the best team I could have at the moment. With Evolution cards, I’m feeling that “one more game” itch just to grind out a few more assists, rebounds or steals to get a certain Evolution player to their next gem tier. It’s a wonderful addition to the mode that I already loved, and I cannot wait to see how it “evolves” (get it?) as the year goes on.

Other than that, the only other big improvement over years’ past is the vast amount of rewards in the mode. I no longer feel that I need to just buy pack after pack with my hard-earned money, as many of the players you can get from just playing the game are just as valuable. Will this change as the year goes on? Undoubtedly. But as far as this first week, I’m loving it.

The Issues/Glitches

Let’s take a moment to address the issues NBA 2K20 has faced since it launched on September 6th. As I’m sure you know, #FixNBA2K20 was trending nationally on Twitter. The game is certainly filled with many notable issues and glitches that almost make the game completely unplayable.

While I can’t speak to the MyCareer glitches, the issues found in MyTeam are plentiful. From Collection Rewards not being given for achieving certain collection milestones, to constant server disconnections when playing online games, it’s one of the most noteworthy bug-filled entries in the series in years.

I’ve downloaded at least two 25gb patches since the launch of the game one week ago. Luckily the game is being fixed, and the quality of life improvements and bug-fixes they’ve implemented have made the game playable since launch day. I’m glad I took a week to write this review, since Day 1 the game has improved.


The gameplay in NBA 2K20 is astounding, and is my favorite since 2K17. No longer do you have those demi-god players like Andrei Kirilenko torching it up on the court, as everything feels much more grounded and realistic. Some might argue that the gameplay feels entirely too slow, but I feel it’s 2K taking the reins back since the game had become entirely too twitchy and arcade-y.

I really appreciate what they’ve done with the stamina in the game. In previous years, you could practically leave your starting-5 out on the floor for the entire game with no consequences. While you can still do that in 2K20, attention to player minutes in really vital to the overall team’s success. If you play a player more than they physically can handle, they’ll obviously show the side effects of their exhaustion.

The only gripe I have with the gameplay is the 3-point shooting is incredibly frustrating. Many times while playing online against other players (and even against the AI), I would miss wide open 3-point attempts with great shooters like Carmelo Anthony or Ray Allen. Yet if they had a had in their face, I feel they would often hit that very same shot. It just feels as though the shot meter implemented in the game really isn’t accurate for the 3-point shot as it is for a shot anywhere else on the floor. I’m sure this will be adjusted, but it’s made for some of the challenges and evolution’s in MyTeam more difficult than they should be.


NBA 2K20 has revitalized my love for the series. While the launch has certainly been shaky, I’m having more fun grinding out my favorite modes than I have in any previous year. The entire game feels much more rewarding than years past, and not because you have to spend all of your money on it. If you put the time in, you’ll get what you want out of the game. I have to score the game lower than I probably would simply because of the issues and bugs that are prevalent throughout the game, but once those are addressed I can’t wait to grind away.



Editor, Video/Content Creation - Specializing in Playstation, Giant Monster Movies and NBA Basketball.