Must-play games for Halloween

Must-play games for Halloween
Must-play games for Halloween
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I love Halloween. I love the feeling of horror around the corner with both movies and games, and I especially enjoy fall rolling in and pushing out that swamp-a** summer. Also, the tree foliage is pretty. Anyway, sometimes it’s tough to get into the groove of Halloween, especially during a pandemic, and getting a kickstart from something not called candy corn is a must. Having said that, I have put together my top 10 horror games to get you in the mood for some scary. Get that favorite bowl of healthy candy, relax, turn off the lights, and enjoy this absurd Halloween list that you probably won’t agree with at all.

11.The Mummy is one of numerous Halloween-themed online slots that is played in online casino sites. For its Egyptian-themed history, this online slot is popular among Egyptian gamers in Arabic online casinos.
Thanks to a fantastic theme and design, advanced graphics and rich sound effects, and a variety of bonus features, each of which helps you win an extra round. This online slot is undoubtedly one of the most entertaining and captivating slots available

10. P.T. – So, you’ll never play this unless you have a PS4 from the jet engine sound years and one that you had hoped would be super valuable because you never erased P.T. from it. Technically, you wouldn’t be wrong on the latter. Anyway, the Kojima / Del Toro demo of a never-will-be-because-of-some-bullshit-politics Silent Hill game is still one that frightens the bejesus out of people and one that I recall hearing my ISC class at the University of Kentucky literally scream at during a SWOT meeting about how to sell it. In short, it packs a punch with horror. If you want to enjoy it now, and not pay upwards of $1500 on Electronic Bay.commerical site, then enjoy the YouTube video below. It’s still a screamer. Use headsets.

9. Scarred Stars: Traumatic Edition – You’ve not heard of this indie game before? Well, y’all (you all) pull up a chair, go to Steam, drop $1.99 on this beauty, and enjoy it on October 22nd. Made by Tuomo Games, you’ll find this run-fest jarring, especially the multiple endings and narrative. It’s quite unsettling for a short horror survival game. Also, enjoy the fact that you can only really run away from the monsters that chase you. That will get the heart racing.

8. Mundaun – I don’t know if it’s the eerie feeling of not completely understanding what the f*ck is going on in the game, or the graphics that are purposely black/white (hint of color in there, but for the most part, not color) that’s harkening back to the heyday of the Dreamcast/PS2 dominance. Regardless, the game is unsettling, it’s creepy with goats and haystack aliens, and just a perfect game for everything scary.

7. FNAF – Fine. FINE. Yes, Five Nights at Freddy’s is creepy as shit. Doubly-so if you grew up in the Chuck.E.Cheese vs. Showbiz era, where the animatronics were things that make nightmares for kids – and that is before the pizza. Joking/kidding aside, sitting in one place and switching back and forth to catch moving or having moved animatronics is horrifying. It’s like playing a bad game of Night Trap. Well, is there really a bad game of Night Trap? Nah. Anyway, horror show. Do this in V.R. and you’re a better person than me.

6. Dead Space – Or what I would like to call good lighting and bad lighting. EA’s once great, maybe-soon-to-be-again franchise was a horror show in space. Well, I mean, the second horror show in space. Definitely, a game that gives off some bad vibes and is best played in the dark. Enjoy this trip down memory lane.

5. Phasmophobia – I’ll be honest, this is hokey. BUT…it’s fun with friends and it provides that creepy feeling while accompanied by fear laughter. Yeah, that’s a thing. When you get jarred so much that your only recourse is to laugh. Anyway, ghost hunting with friends is fun as hell. It was certainly a winner last year during a very lonely pandemic. A huge plus for those needing a horror fix.

4. Ring of Pain – Okay, so it’s not a horror show, it’s a freak show. A freak show card game that is grotesque with its presentation, horrifying and unsettling with its delivery, and a helluva ride for card game fans out there.

3. Binding of Isaac – Hear me out. It’s like Grave of the Fireflies for video games. It’s tragic no matter how much you win, and you walk away feeling horrible because of all the horribleness the game contains. If you don’t know the backstory, a kid is hiding from his religious-nut mother, who wants to kill him because a mysterious voice, who she believed to be God, ordered her to do so. If that initial storyline isn’t enough to keep you interested, the more you uncover as you go through the multiple endings makes the story just that much worse…but in a good way. But in a bad way. But…anyway. The horror is more psychological and the effects of it is immeasurable. It’s a horror game in every sense of the word.

2. Resident Evil Village – F*ck this shit. Lol…seriously. F*ck it. Okay, before I go on, let me explain myself here. When I was a kid (five years old), my brothers forced me to watch The Howling. Then they left me in the woods the next day while making howling noises. I love them for their planning and execution, but sadly I’m scarred for the rest of my life when it comes to anything werewolf-related. With that said, this game is so tough to take when it comes to horror because it is Capcom’s best effort to scare gamers to death. I never felt easy with this game. I played it, but not once felt comfortable. I started it with the lights off, but every light known to humankind in my house that I have bought is on while I play this game now. It’s like the sun is my best friend. I love you, sun.
But yes, this brought the horror kick that I needed for this Halloween to become what it needed to be, plus badass vampires are in it. I highly recommend it, especially if you have the best hardware to run it.

1. Alien Isolation…with all the lights off…with a microphone. You can’t kill what you can’t see hunting you. You merely must escape. This means hiding. Being quiet when you hide. Not physically breathing in your own home. Pretending that you enjoy lockers because hey! Lockers. The moment you follow none of these plans is the moment you hear that alien via your headset creep up on you and attack. This is the kind of thing that stops hearts dead in their tracks. Such a brilliant game to have the shit scared out of you.

Don’t like my list? Oh, well. You’ll be okay. Hopefully, I have provided you with some good ideas. If not, stuff your gob with candy and get in the mood for the changing season.