Mushi Shi – Volume Two

Mushi Shi – Volume Two


Like the first volume Ginko is still our only main character. We learn more about him with each interaction and meet new people with different stories. Though each story is completely original after a while you are hoping for more suspense or action or some unexpected twist, however you will not find that here. Every episode is intriguing, however it has a very mellow flow to it. Like Scooby-Do, the only thing different about each episode is who or what was the ghost, or mushi. Though the artwork is up to par, I can’t help but want more excitement from this DVD. Ginko continues to heal and solve others problems. He is aware that his life consists of wandering and he finds purpose in helping others, which creates the different rhythms he enjoys. Though the is no variation in plot or unexpectedness the Mushi are really what save this anime from a completely terrible review as the stories are quite different


This story involves a man who is obsessed with rainbows and acts quite strangely. After becoming the laughing stock of the town he has a son that he names KURO (rainbow). Kuro is persecuted and jeered at for having such a name. The KURO rainbow is a special rainbow that has the sun within its bow, a rare site, and its colors are the inverse. KURO decides to go on a journey to find this rainbow that his father is so ecstatic about. He has been searching for five years hoping to restore honor to his family of carpenters and bridge engineers. After meeting Ginko they are successful. Tracking down a mushi rainbow and later Kuro returns to his village and builds a successful bridge after the one his family attempted to build had been broken after many failed and improved attempts. The honor is restored to his family and Ginko is on his way again.


The DVD’s are very consistent in that they are set up exactly the same each time. Each DVD has wonderful artwork made possible mostly by the glowing mushi shi and detailed backgrounds. Yet like the episode there isn’t much to explore once you’ve gotten the gist of the first episode.


I am still happy to find that the mushi shi DVD comes with a postcard, that’s great for the collector fiends. Each DVD has a nice cardboard protector. The DVD also includes a small booklet of color filled and line art from artist sketches. Again we can find interviews with the director, text less songs, and trailers for other animes.


I’m not sure if it’s the effects or the urban legend like quality of this series that keeps me coming back for more. There are heartwarming moments, and the process of dealing with each individual mushi is somewhat intriguing, but if you can’t stand to watch another episode of something because it’s predictable, then I would not suggest this anime for you.

Overall: 7.5