Karin: The Complete Box Set

Karin: The Complete Box Set

Bug Eyes Abound

There are 24 episodes with this series contained on 6 discs which are in three plastic cases. The plastic cases each have a different scene of Karin on the front, back, and inside covers. These cases are then placed in a red and black cardboard cover with Karin on the front and a short synopsis, DVD features and bonuses on the back. The artwork is easy on the eyes, except for Usui’s character. His eyes seem to always be in a constant state of shock and it takes a while to get used to them, both for me and the characters in the series. The introduction of every episode is a very cute and silly puppet show followed by the introductory song.

No Need for These

This series is based on the popular manga Chibi Vampire by Tokyopop so it doesn’t need a bunch of extras to sell itself. The extras in this series include textless opening and closing songs and previews for other Funimation series.