

Jungleland unfortunately doesn't get a Blu-ray release, but this is one to seek out any way possible, DVD or Digital. The journey the film takes you on is one you won't soon forget.

Release Date:Rating:Publisher:

“Stanley (Charlie Hunnam) and Lion (Jack O’Connell) are two brothers struggling to stay relevant in the underground world of bare-knuckle boxing. When Stanley fails to pay back a dangerous crime boss (Jonathan Majors), they’re forced to deliver an unexpected traveler as they journey across the country for a high-stakes fighting tournament. While Stanley trains Lion for the fight of his life, a series of events threaten to tear the brothers apart, but their love for one another and belief in a better life keeps them going in this gripping drama that proves family pulls no punches.”

Charlie Hunnam and Jack O’Connell excel in this film not just about bare-knuckle boxing, but a smattering of other themes that makes this film that probably flew below the radar for most, an absolute joy to watch.

The story is a simple one: two brothers, Stanley and Lion. Stanley the brains of the operation, and Lion the brawn, subjected to bare-knuckle boxing only after being thrown out of traditional boxing, just barely scraping by to make a living, breaking into abandoned and condemned buildings for shelter between matches. Although between the two, Stanley is the brains of it all, his reckless behavior and always seeking shortcuts mentality continues to cost Lion what he wants most: to open a dry-cleaning shop. This time, Stanley’s antics have cost them big, and in order to make things right with a bookie seeking to collect, they must deliver a girl, Sky (Jessica Barden), into the hands of a crime boss across the country, with their reward a chance to compete in a match whose winner-take-all sum could solve all their problems.

The story isn’t that exciting on the surface, nor is the lives of these two people. What is most appealing about the film, though, is just how real it feels, how life-like and well-rounded the characters are, and the relationships we explore throughout the story. The brotherly bond between Stanley and Lion, or any brother relationship for that matter, is hard to sum up into words. Though Stanley may be a detriment to Lion, he loves him unconditionally, each one of them willing to do anything for the other. This dynamic changes when Sky is introduced into the picture. Lion begins to see his worth, and that his dreams matter.

Jungleland isn’t just about bare-knuckle boxing. In fact, it really isn’t the focus of it much at all. The focus of the film is the journey of this trio and how it changes each of them. The third act becomes something that I didn’t see coming, with the paths of each character culminating into a mix of emotion that stays with you long after the credits role. It’s a superb ending, and for me, elevated the film much higher than I originally felt through the first two thirds. Thanks to the very subtle but elegant writing, the performances of all involved, especially Charlie Hunnam and Jack O’Connell, Jungleland is one to check out.


The only physical release for Jungleland unfortunately is DVD, bringing a Standard Definition Widescreen 1.85:1 picture. As with SD, you can expect a low-quality picture, lacking detail and resolution you enjoy with subsequent formats. This release does include a Digital Code, and would be the recommended way to watch the film to experience it the best way possible. The film itself has a dreary and dark tone, very gritty at times, with lightning that reflects this tone perfectly, another reason to see every detail as clear as possible.


The audio is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1. There isn’t anything fancy about this track. It sounds good for what it is, which is a film that isn’t heavy on action or anything like that. What audio-heavy moments there are, especially toward the end, sound really good. The soundtrack, most notably the Bruce Springsteen song at the end, is nothing less than perfection for the sequence.

Special Features

There are no extras on this disc.

Jungleland may be a simple story, one that doesn’t present a lot of action, but what it does contain is a lot of substance. It’s the characters that make the film, and damn, that ending is nothing short of perfect. Give this one a shot, it’s worth your time.


  • Characters/Relationships.
  • The ending.
