Itsudatte My Santa

Itsudatte My Santa

This two-episode disc is crammed so full of Akamatsu’s trademark wacky humor and situational hijinks that I feel as if I’ve had all his previous works thrown at me.  At mach speeds.  In a wind tunnel.  While anchored to a Christmas tree.

We follow young Mai as she practically assaults poor Santa with the Christmas spirit in the town square, doing her very best to convince him not to hate Christmas.   When she hears his story, I was not only supremely impressed at his maturity, but confused by Mai’s intense desire to help him. As the story progresses, however, we learn that Mai is not only here to help, but also needs his belief in order to transform from her girlish form (short stature, dark hair, girlish form) to her ‘true form’ (Tall, blonde, and busty).  Complete with a transformation sequence that doesn’t relate at all to a jolly old fat man, this anime is full of surprises at every turn. 

The second, bonus, episode on the disc is apparently a continuation of the first.  In the second episode, we not only get the privilege of meeting two other Santas-in-training from Mai’s school at the North Pole, but must watch in anticipation as Mai must plan to confess her feelings for Santa to him before December 24th, when she will have to continue her Santa duties!  Will she ever get the opportunity and courage to face him, even if he doesn’t feel the same way? 

Throughout this DVD, Akamatsu’s classic hyperactively-excitable-girl-meets-boy story gets cast in an entirely new setting.  It’s also interesting to watch the DVD with the intention to observe how he presents the culture of Christmas as it relates to Japan, as I was supremely surprised to get a lesson about Baby Jesus from this DVD.  Also, transforming reindeer.  ‘Nuff said.