InuYasha – Season Four

InuYasha – Season Four

Kirara turns upmissing one morning and the group searches desperately to find her. They can’t think of any reason why she would leave until Shippo shares some unknown knowledge with the rest of the group. Each of the travelers has at least once taken advantage of Kirara for their own personal reasons. Will Kirara come back home?

Also along their way they have to face a living dead army! Complete with manikin soldiers and and a puppet master-like leader. Everyone is in for a tough fight as they take on a legion of souls. Will they be able to defeat this evil army before they are all defeated?

Find out in InuYasha season 4!
Presentation- What Year Is It?

The characters in this anime have an early ’90s reminiscent feel to them, similar to that of Ranma 1/2, an anime by the same artist. the characters wear the same outfits in every scene, plus a hat or two, but they are so beautifully detailed that you don’t think about this while watching the episodes.

The landscapes in this anime are amazing. there is so much attention to detail that you feel you are almost there, watching the water flow downstream or the wind sewwp through the trees.

The demons, on the other hand, are quite grotesque and unsettling. most have unnatural eyes and too many or too few lims. Many of the demons seen in this season are pretty mush balls of hair with random body parts in them, such as a mouth. Every demon is uniwue though and that shows a lot of creativity and imagintation went into the making of this series.

Extras- Bare Minimum

They could’ve added more extras to the discs, but because there are so many episodes, it doesn’t really take away from the show. The extras include a character introduction, in which we are introduced to the new major characters that will be appearing in the episodes. Also, a textless opening and ending. I always watch these, even though it’s not much different from what you see in the show, but it’s nice to not have words interfering with the pretty artwork.

Overall-Fun Times With Demons!

Another wonderful season of InuYasha! The plot thickens as demons continue to hunt for our travelers and for the sacred jewel shards, but luckily, thats the same thing they are hunting for: demons and jewel shards! It only helps that the demons find them so that InuYasha and his gang can take them down one by one!

Overall: 9.5