Ikki Tousen: The Complete Series

Ikki Tousen: The Complete Series


The box art will catch the eye of almost any guy older than 12, box art depicting two of the characters from the series in shredded outfits that really didn’t cover much to begin with.  This does reflect at least one aspect of the series very well.  There is a LOT of fan service in this series.  Most the time the characters are running around in torn and shredded school outfits, and sometimes even less, depending on how long the battles go on.  This can get quite distracting from the story of the series, especially if fan service isn’t the type of thing you enjoy.

If you do enjoy it, then you’re in for a truly amazing treat.   The art in the series is amazing, paying a great deal of attention to character outfit designs.  The backgrounds are perhaps a bit forgettable, but they don’t detract from the story either, making the animation for this series overall pretty good.  The music for this series is pretty good, when it’s there.  For the most part you rarely hear any music aside from the narrations scenes and during the opening and ending credits.  The music during the narration is VERY dramatic, making sure that you pay attention during the tidbits of useful (and often educational) history it shares to progress the storyline.  The opening song is almost very unique being an odd mixture of j-pop and urban hip hop.  As odd as it sounds, the song is horribly catchy.  The voice acting in the series is pretty well done in both casts, though Hakufu’s can be a bit grating after awhile, mainly because of how high pitched it is, and how fond she is of yelling or screaming.



Extras in this series are pretty slim pickings.  Unfortunately all there really is for this set is a handful of trailers.  Unfortunately it even lacks the standard clean opening and closing songs.


Overall this anime has an amazing story, and an insane amount of fighting and fan service.