Gunslinger Girl

Gunslinger Girl

PRESENTATION- A delicate balance between the rich scenery of Rome and simple cut away shots make this anime a truly beautiful experience. The DVD comes with three disks and has a protective cardboard cover with beautiful artwork on the interior case. One element that seems to be really present when viewing this series is the lighting, which adds a wonderful touch to the depth of everything that is so beautifully formed.

EXTRAS –Building Henrietta, Building Rico, Building Triela, Gunslinger Girl Dossiers, Meet the real Gunslinger Girl, Voice Director Commentary, Production Commentary, and Textless songs.

OVERALL – A thrilling concept and loveable characters has drawn me into this complex series. With action, drama, suspense and mystery, Gunslinger Girl is the great new action series I’ve been waiting for. This is my favorite and I would compare it to Elfin Lied. Though this story is not quite as gory it still has it’s shocks. To see a little girl suddenly open fire and reek havoc on a mafia like gang is quite an aesthetic.

Overall: 8.5