Glass Fleet – Volume Two

Glass Fleet – Volume Two

On the Vetti front, he keeps having spasms with his right eye, which randomly puts him through bouts of excruciating pain. Ralph is always by his side when this happens and continually worries about him. Vetti is trying to win the hand of Pope Gornas daughter, Rachel, who’s had her head in an iron mask since birth to be a sacrifice to the gods. When the mask is finally taken off, she turns out to actually be really pretty. Vetti is trying to marry her for other reasons though. If he marries her, their families will unite and the universe will be that much more unified. Vetti tells Ralph, his royal guard, that he doesn’t have long to live, but if he can unite the whole universe than they could possibly bring back a certain technology that was lost long ago. with this technology they could manipulate time and Vetti could live longer than he is supposed to.

More surprising news! Michel is actually a girl! I knew it! We find out when Eimer, one of the glass ships crew, goes to spy on Michel while she is bathing. She is on the roof (along with the rest of the crew) and falls through. Michels maid is worried because she hears the commotion but can’t get the door open. Cleo breaks the door down and then they see Eimer on the floor next to a very embarrassed Michel, who is nude in the shower. they then learn she is a girl and a long story follows why she chose to dress as her brother.

On the war front, The People’s Army decides to launch an attack on Vetti and his army. They are quickly outnumbered and defeat seems eminent. They are losing hope when Cleo, his crew, and their ship intervene. Who will be victorious in this battle?

The Presentation: Amazingly Weird Costumes

As i mentioned in my review on the first volume, their costumes are amazingly intricate, especially for main characters that must be drawn over and over. When Rachel Comes into the picture, She has a large dress with some weird waist piece that curves up to her neck. It reflects how futuristic this anime is. Also, the ships are very complex along wit the cities. the artists pay a lot of attention to detail, and it shows.

Extras: Fun to Watch

The extras on here include interviews with the character developer and the mechanical developer. The character developer talked about what he was thinking when he made the characters, what some difficulties were, and how he liked it. The mechanical developer discussed difficulties with the fight scenes and the battleships. Other extras include text-less songs and trailers for other Funimation Animes.

Overall: An Alright Anime

The plot still confused me sometimes due to the amount of characters to learn. There was plenty of action but the drama was a little stretched out. We see stories behind the characters but they are not complete.

Overall: 7.5