Glass Fleet – Volume One

Glass Fleet – Volume One




The Show- Good versus Evil

This show has the characteristics of many anime that are out there, but it is very different from them. The story-line takes place in space on these amazing ships that are outfitted like planets. They have mountains and rivers and towns and cities, but they are ships. I can’t imagine the engine power one of those would take. Like in all galactic stories, it is a battle between good and evil. The leader of the “good” side is a man named Michel Volban. This character had me quite confused for a while. He looks like a girl, he sounds like a girl, and his name is Michel. But he is in fact a man. I discovered later while watching the Cast Interviews in the extras that he was actually played by a woman; I thought that was strange.

But, Michel is the leader of the People’s Army, who’s got it out for the prince that rules the galaxy. They are trying to unite the universe for the good of the people but Prince Vetti stands in their way. There is a lot of royalty fighting one another and while Prince Vetti is out to gain power, Michel, another royal figure, is trying to save the people and get them freedom. During his travels through space, Michel runs into a rebellious “pirate” who is out to own the universe. His name is Cleo of the Wind (he has royal blood too). His crew is made up of a bunch of miscreants who are all wanted for some crime or another. Michel and Cleo get thrown into each others’ paths and that’s when the excitement begins.

Presentation- Beautiful Graphics

The graphics in this anime are quite believable. Not that they look realistic, but they are what one would expect to see in space in a couple hundred years. The crystal ship that Cleo drives is animated beautifully, especially when it transforms. I had to rewind and watch that part twice because I could only think “wow.” The characters’ outfits were very detailed and complex, and the ships looked believable.

Extras- Step up to the Microphone

The extras included four cast interviews in groups of two. Cleo and Michel were interviewed first, and then Vetti and one of Cleo’s crew members. The interviews showed a lot about how to make the character seem real. They had to be consistent in their attitudes and tones and talk in the same voice throughout. They were very informative and I enjoyed watching them.

Character Development- Wonderful

The characters were completely real. They had consistent attitudes and personality traits that you could count on to show up again and again. They reacted to situations exactly as you would expect them to, but all the while they are showing deeper parts of themselves. One thing I found hard to keep track of was all of the minor characters. Prince Vetti had a lot of underlings doing all of his dirty work, and I had trouble keeping them straight. Also, along with Michel, Vettis imperial guard, named Ralph, looks and sounds like a girl. But he is a boy. It can get kind of confusing. Other than that, the characters were very well thought out and were performed exceptionally.

Overall- An Amazing Anime Full of Drama and Action

This was a very entertaining anime, with plot twists all along the way. The characters were believable and fully developed, and the ships were awesome.

Overall: 9.0