Glass Fleet Volume 5

Glass Fleet Volume 5

Back on the glass ship, which Nowy, Heizak, and Badat manage tore-capture safely, Michel is giving orders and instructs Sylua topilot. They encounter a large rank of Vettis ships and are navigatingtheir way through when Nowy gets in touch with Cleo. They agree tomeet on the “garbage heap planet” where B.B. resides. She is the onethey have been trying to make negotiations with. After spending two orthree days there (where many fear to travel because it is taboo in theBlack Cross religion) one of Vettis new workers plans an attack. Lateone night the man working for Vetti and all of his men raid and burnB.B.s village and palace. B.B. and Michel are taken hostage and arethreatened until they give into to Vettis demands and unite theuniverse. Will they cave and let Vetti’s dream come true, even if itis strongly against Michels will?

PRESENTATION- Same as Before

All of the characters still dress in their galaxy fighting attire,although we almost see Michel in a beautiful dress (as does Cleo) whileshe holds it up to herself in a mirror. She would be really pretty ifshe learned to embrace her feminine side and blow her cover, but Iguess it’s not worth the trouble. There is more landscape in this oneas they stay at B.B.’s palace, we see the surrounding town andcountryside. Also we get to see what Eimers home town looked like(very run-down with a lot of poor people).

EXTRAS: Not as Good as Last Time
Cosplay Contest
– We get to see three girls compete forthe title of Sylua, Michels maid, while serving someone actuallydressed as Michel. This was fun to watch but i don’t think they chosethe right winner.
Original TV Spots– A small video showing commercials from when this show first aired in Japan.
Trailers– Including Blue Gender, Holic, and many others.
Textless songs- The artwork is very awesome and different on the closing song so I enjoyed watching this for the end song.

OVERALL: Another Good One
This was another great volume of glass fleet and it leaves youhanging, wondering what will happen to the fate of our friends, foes,and the entire universe.


Story- 7.5- Used a good amount of imagination and dramatic plots.
Presentation- 6.5– Not much deviation from the rest of the show but still pretty good.
Extras-8- Better still than most other anime extras, but still not as good as the ones from volume 4.
Overall-8.5– I’m truly very curious as to see what will happen in the next and final episodes!