Glass Fleet 4

Glass Fleet 4

Cleoand the rest of the jailors (Admiral Gawain included) successfully escape fromthe prison, after managing to steal several hovercraft type busses used on land(a weird but cool concept). On their way to the next town Cleo asksthe Admiral why his parents didn’t want him. It is then that we learn thestory of their tragic deaths. Cleos’ father, who was once a king, marriedthe daughter of a nobleman that openly denied the Black Cross Religion (thedominating religion of the universe). The pope quickly saw to it thatCleo’s father was killed. Shortly before his death, he gave the royalfamily’s glass ship to his most trusted soldier, Eckardo (Cleo’s fosterfather), in return for his loyalty. He died while his wife was in laborwith Cleo and the popes men stole the royal family’s sword. When his wifelearned of his death, after Cleos birth, she decided to follow her husband tothe grave and committed suicide. This story makes Cleo re-evaluate histhoughts on life.

Syluafinds a way to penetrate Vetti’s fortress and once again becomes Michel’s maid. Ralph, Vetti’s royal guard, ventures out to see Guidy-sama, a prophet whospoke to him and Vetti before. He asks her what to do about Vetti, sincehis life is running short. He becomes separated from her on their longtrek to an underground chamber. The group of inmates also end up atGuildy-sama’s castle. They go inside, where the Admiral claims theirescape vessel is. They find the Admirals ship is indeed buried undergroundthere. But there’s only one problem. The supply of soleil has rundry and the ship won’t start! Ralph manages to find his way onto theship, where he witnesses Cleo having an attack of soleil similar to Vetti’s. He thinks there might be a relation and sends a message to Vetti. Will the prisoners escape the planet before they are once again capturedand imprisoned?

Presentation-Space Wars!

As theshow revolves around the ongoing war in space, accordingly the outfits andbuildings do as well. Michel and Vetti are always in their royal fightingattire, while Cleo stays with a simple pants and shirt outfit. The shipsare as big as whole countries and they house entire cities. There for ifyour ship is destroyed, your whole country is as well. But this doesn’tgo for all ships. The ones the powerhouse ships send out are more likewhat we are used to seeing; small and agile fighting ships.

Extras-The Best Yet

LiveDrama TheaterInthe Live drama theater, the actors that play Cleo (Tsuda Kenjro), Eimer (KanaUeda), and Nowy (Shiraishi Ryoko) give us a live performance of a hilariousscript. In the performance, Nowy is trying to catch a taxi to get toschool. Eimer and Cleo show up as the Revolituinary Transporte GlassTaxi. Nowy is skeptacle at first but is running late so he decides to getin anyway. Listen as our cast avoids Traffic Control, goes the wrong waydown one way streets, and are chased by patrol cars (which Cleo believes wantto race them!) This was incredibly entertaining and I had to watch ittwice to feel satisfied

Textlesssongs- We allknow what the textless songs will be like

TrailersThe trailers included arefor Clamp Double Feature (Tsubasa and Holic), Blue Gender, Full MetalAlchemist, Dragon-ball Z, The Slayers, One Piece, Glass Fleet, and the Z-Store.


Thestory line continued to be filled with ever thickening drama as we follow Vettiand Michel on their fight to unify the universe. Cleo again is thrown into mix up the drama between the two characters, having important relationshipswith each. Eimer and Nowy are used for comic relief and Ralph plays theemotional role, showing us how worried we should be about Vetti.

TheStory- 7.5- Manyintertwining problems based on complicated relationships.

Presentation-7.0- There is agood amount of detail but the colors seem a little basic.

Extras-9.5- These arethe best extras I have yet to see included with any anime.

Overall-9.0- The storywas good and the extras were outstanding.