I know I was not the only one who was frustrated by the cliffhanger at the end of The Ancient Gods – Part 1. Perhaps frustrated is too strong a ...[Read More]
Doomguy, if you thought that your job as the Slayer of all demons was done after completing the campaign of Doom Eternal, you would be mistaken. The w...[Read More]
Take the fight to the Middle East in Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 (SGWC2). In this awkwardly titled sequel, players again resume the role of Raven...[Read More]
Out of all the first-person shooting experiences, I firmly believe that DICE has done its best to keep its Battlefield series fresh, even sometimes wh...[Read More]
First, and foremost, I think it is important to note that I had never really gotten into Apex Legends before being given the opportunity to check out ...[Read More]
I’m kind of embarrassed to say this but I have never played a Doom game. I had heard many great things about the series but never attempted to play be...[Read More]
Prodeus is a delightfully demonic shooter that drags you back to the time of classic first-person shooter games like Wolfenstein 3D. Prodeus renews a ...[Read More]
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War kicks off a new generation of future CoDs on the PlayStation 5. Activision, Treyarch, and a slew of other well-known ...[Read More]
Prodeus is a fun, action-packed shooter that brings the trappings of the original first-person shooter games like Wolfenstein 3D and Doom (1993) back ...[Read More]
Disintegration succeeds where it counts. Developer V1 Interactive set out to make an FPS/RTS hybrid and does so with surprising efficiency. But furthe...[Read More]
Few games can compare to the raw splendor of DOOM‘s violence. The series flourishes in its homages to hellish gore and brutal violence. For deca...[Read More]
The Outer Worlds takes no time in forcing players to love it. From the onset, Obsidian Entertainment’s first-person RPG is a deluge of charm and...[Read More]