The most astounding aspect of the Dragon Ball franchise in terms of gaming is how fresh and relevant each new game has felt, even after rehashing many...[Read More]
As a kid, the first thing that I considered “appointment viewing” was WCW Monday Nitro. At the height of the Monday Night War between Ted ...[Read More]
I’m beginning to understand some strategy behind Nintendo’s releases this year and I have to admit that it isn’t actually that bad of a strategy. Take...[Read More]
UK studio nDreams and Paw Print Games have delivered the newest Zombie beat-‘em-up, Bloody Zombies. The story for this game takes place in post-apocal...[Read More]
Capcom’s popular MvC, or Marvel Vs Capcom, franchise has made a return with MvC: Infinite, featuring thirty characters at launch (fifteen from e...[Read More]
Nidhogg reveled in simplicity. Messhof’s one-on-one fencing experience stripped away the ornamental redundancy of a traditional fighting game an...[Read More]
When Nintendo releases a new IP, it’s worth taking note. Releasing to the masses a week from today comes an all new Switch exclusive, ARMS. It...[Read More]
Tekken always felt like it had an answer to the question of longevity. Keeping a fighting game alive for over twenty years has run Mortal Kombat, King...[Read More]
Street Fighter II returns in style and on the game starved Nintendo Switch. Not a lot to hate about this title, though the price is a bit of a concern...[Read More]
Skeptical is the word I would use when the second installment of Injustice was announced. While I had a blast kicking my wife’s butt in the first game...[Read More]
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road to Boruto the game that easily wins longest video game title of the year. The game is made for Naruto fa...[Read More]
That time you wished that Capcom would go take a hard look at what made their fighting franchise great and they did — and it became great again thanks...[Read More]