Let me start by saying that the entire concept of the Turnip Boy series is ludicrous and at the same time strangely beautiful. Developer Snoozy Kazoo ...[Read More]
When you think of Square Enix, you often think of Final Fantasy XVI, Dragon Quest, and a bevy of classic role-playing games. They have a huge history ...[Read More]
Publisher Atari and developer SneakyBox are bringing back a classic 80s Atari arcade gaming experience that quite frankly scared the ever-loving shit ...[Read More]
The graphical limitation of the VCS console back in the 80s was extraordinary, even for the 80s. There were more sprites than specifics, and typically...[Read More]
I’m a huge fan of the Dragon Quest series, though I have never dabbled in anything DQ outside of the gaming arena. I think most of the DQ games have c...[Read More]