What do pirates and yakuza have in common? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Yet, Ryu Ga Gotoku reached deep to make these two disparate thematics work in ...[Read More]
Fate/Samurai Remnant has a pedigree that I am completely unaware of. Often a blind approach can be the best one when reviewing games in a long-running...[Read More]
Update 4/30/2022: A prior version of this review mentioned my difficulties with playing the campaign and restoring my save from the PS4 version. This ...[Read More]
In March, our resident racing aficionado and all-around fantabulous human Benjamine Branscum wrote a glowing review of Loop Hero. In short, Ben argues...[Read More]
Last year, we reviewed Yakuza: Like a Dragon when it splashed onto “next-gen” on the Xbox Series X. After a few months of semi-exclusivity...[Read More]
I’ve had days where it just feels like I’m going in a complete circle. Constantly running back and forth: at work, between places, going back to work,...[Read More]
It took me nearly two hours to create my character in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Ultimate Edition. A sliver of that time was devoted towards det...[Read More]
In 2010, Yoko Taro’s NieR was not particularly well received by most, but garned quite a cult following. Senior Editor Eric Layman reviewed it w...[Read More]
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Stormblood is the second expansion pack release for the popular MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Two new jobs, a whole new stor...[Read More]
As a disclaimer, this review was based on the Playstation 4 version of Mass Effect; Andromeda, Deluxe Edition. Mass Effect has been one of my favorite...[Read More]