Full Metal Alchemist: Season One Part One

Full Metal Alchemist: Season One Part One

The boys are not one for respecting the rules but they have come to the realization that death is final and should not be tampered with. In an effort to repair the damage and guilt in Edward’s heart he sets out on a quest with Al in search of the philosopher stone. The stone is said to have the capability of amplifying the alchemist’s power so that an equal exchange is not necessary. Ed feels completely responsible for his brothers’ condition he believe that with the amplification of the true stone he could successfully return their bodies to normal.

At the age of twelve having already attempted complex alchemy and transmutations it is not long before the prodigy, Ed, decides he should possibly join the state alchemists in the military in order to access classified and rare resources. Edward is accepted after a stunning feat of saving two applicants lives, performing a transmutation with out a circle. Though Ed’s unruly and stubborn ways tend to class with the army he finds they are an asset he will need to further his research and help others using alchemy. It is not long before the boys find themselves in a mess of lost loves, deception and murder mysteries. In searching to solve the case of the murder of a young girl the boys had stayed with, the life of Winry, their neighbor and pseudo-sister, and Edward are discovered to be in great danger. Undergoing excruciating physical and emotional pain it seems that Ed and Al are destined to grow up quickly. The two make a marvelous team as they know the importance of defending each other having felt they have lost everything else. The heart warming sacrificial love of the brothers is developed through their trials and pain. As the two proceed to overcome obstacles they are only strengthened by the hardships. The antagonists of this series tend to be power crazed alchemists searching for the stone and the homuclones. The homuclones have only shown up lurking in the corners and they have the names of the seven deadly sins. We are briefly introduced to Gluttony and Lust. Another possible antagonist is Scar, who is an Isbalian responsible for killing the chimera (combination of human and animal) that was inhabited by the boy’s beloved little friend Nina Tucker. The boys had been studying with Tucker to prepare for the exam and had develop a brotherly love for little Nina. So to see her transformed into a beast, suffering and aware was heart-wrenching and Ed goes off on Tucker for treating his own daughter in such a horrid way. Mustang, a military leader steps in on the scene and seems to be developing an intense interaction with Ed who is still subject to his emotions. Following the boys on this journey is proving to be an adventure of the wonderful complexities of the heart, justice and morale.

PRESENTATION: Using variety of styles to provide us with adequate and one might say exaggerated expression, the art work compliments the character development which is so deeply embedded into this plot. The costume design covers a wide range of people types and there are so many characters to meet. With every episode we are greeting some new face and location and the music follows suit with intense action scenes contrasted with delicate memories. While the presentation is not the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, the overall effect is a seamless unification of art, plot, music, and characters.

Text less songs- Opening and ending song without the credits

Production Art- Includes illustrations, line art, and model gallery

Japanese Commercials- Commercials aired regarding full metal alchemist

Image Gallery- Compilation of artwork

Character Profiles- Brief synopsis of all major characters

Guide Books- Complete with one text per DVD, these are a culmination of production artwork, and character profiles as they correspond to the episodes contained in each disk.

OVERALL: Two young brothers take on the world through the aid of alchemy. These prodigies are able to use elements found in nature and disassemble and reconstruct from the basic components something of equal value yet a different composition. After their mothers death and the gruesome attempt of bringing her back to life leaves the boys deeply scarred, the two set out in search of the philosopher stone and along the way they find danger, corruption, courage, love, and a sacrificial appreciation for each other.


The story- 9 – The sudden unexpected death of Edward and Al’s mother begins a forbidden quest for two young boys who discover their strength and honor through defending the weak and protecting one another.

Presentation- 8 While the presentation is not the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, the overall effect is a seamless unification of art, plot, music, and characters

Extras- 9- Each disc is accompanied by a guidebook full of artwork and information along with the usual extras and the addition of the Japanese commercials makes these extras a bit more worth your time than others I’ve seen in the past.

Overall- 9– An addictive series combining, gore, character development, love and loss, sacrifice and honor.