Father Figures is a lackluster family comedy that delivers a stale and unoriginal plot filled with cheesy and unnecessary cameos. Father Figures stars Owen Wilson and Ed Harris as two twins who are set on finding who their real father is. The movie is unenjoyable due to the plot being unrealistic and contrived.
Father Figures has a terrible way of doing cameos. In Father Figures, the inclusion of famous people in the storyline felt extremely forced. There would be numerous scenes where a famous person would show up either as them self or not and start being part of the story. The issue with this is a lot of the time it made the plot more confusing and made it feel that the cameos where made just so more famous people could be added.
The jokes in this movie are actually pretty good. A lot of them were very clever and Owen Wilson and Ed Harris have good on-screen chemistry as twins. The plot is what really brings down this movie as a whole. The whole premise of finding their dad comes out of pretty much nowhere. The twins find themselves going to the next dead end in search of their father in this adventure and it feels extremely fake and robotic. There are many points in this movie where sub plots where added just to increase the time. The acting in this movie was also very strong. The delivery of lines and performances all could of made this a good movie but unfortunately the plot was just so bad.
Father Figures is not a comedy I would recommend. There are plenty of movies that have done the finding my true Dad sub genre a lot better and are more worth your time. The addition of unnecessary cameos and filler plot devices strengthen the mediocrity of this movie which is a shame due to the strong performances by the actors and actresses. Overall, this is a movie you can definitely pass on.