DigitalChumps Holiday Gift Guide for Those Seeking Gift Guidance

DigitalChumps Holiday Gift Guide for Those Seeking Gift Guidance
DigitalChumps Holiday Gift Guide for Those Seeking Gift Guidance

Tis’ the season to be jolly, and there is plenty to be jolly about this year. While we were all holed up once again, having a pint, and waiting for all this pandemic to blow over, we discovered wonderful items of interest here at DigitalChumps to make the time go by a lot faster and be a lot more fun. And no, it wasn’t The Great British Baking Show that made it fun… just additionally amusing.

What you’re about to read is a gift guide of epic proportions, where we will highly recommend some games, accessories, and gadgets for that lovely person in your life, or just you. That lovely person can be you. Honestly, it’s probably you. Because you’re lovely.

You know what? Let’s get this thing started!

On with the guide!


We have reviewed a ton of games this year and we have opinions (surprise). Whilst the world will await an Eric Layman ‘Best Games of the Year’ list, you will have to trudge through a list developed and supported by Ben Sheene and yours truly (Nathaniel Stevens). Here is what Ben and I highly recommend for consideration in the gift department:

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition Review

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition is one of 2021’s earliest blessings for me. Based on a movie based on a graphic novel, both of which I love equally, the game channeled the spirit of the Scott Pilgrim series while being one of the most stylish beat ’em ups during an indie game renaissance over 10 years ago. Unfortunately, the game was delisted and inaccessible for most… until now. A near-perfect soundtrack by Anamanaguchi coupled with phenomenal graphics and action make this a wonderful game to play with friends or loved ones you would fight evil exes to be with.

Little Nightmares II

Little Nightmares 2 review

Those of you who spend their Christmases watching The Nightmare Before Christmas should find a lot of comfort in Little Nightmares II. As a sequel to a game that wore the inspiration of Limbo on its sleeves, Little Nightmares II doesn’t stray too far from the mold. However, the intensely moody environments and chilling set pieces constantly batter the player with scares and creative puzzles. While it may be a quick romp, Little Nightmares II finds its way under the skin and makes me excited for whatever new game Tarsier Studios comes up with next.

Hitman 3

Hitman 3 review

As IO Interactive heads off into their James Bond-laden future, absolutely no one should miss out on the gem that is Hitman 3. Serving as a bookend to their updated Hitman trilogy, Hitman 3 shows the lessons IOI learned in the past several years when they relaunched Hitman as an episodic series. That seed grew the franchise into a game that put players into the bald murder machine that is Agent 47, dropping into a level with endless possibilities of assassinations. The complex workings of levels gave players a set amount of targets and a number of challenges that range from grisly to humorous. Hitman 3 features a dizzying amount content for players looking to maximize their enjoyment or just have a few afternoons or ridiculous bloodshed. Since launch, much has been said about the game’s murder mystery levels that tasks 47 with infiltrating a mansion to kill a target. If they so choose, players can knock out a private investigator who has arrived at the house to uncover a murder plot, steal his outfit, and conduct the investigation as 47, allowing access to the mansion and learning its secrets for future playthroughs. Honestly, it’s no surprise the developer has been entrusted with the 007 license.

It Takes Two

It Takes Two review

It Takes Two is one of the best cooperative games ever made. A game about a couple on the brink of divorce becomes a game about creating bonds and forging communication between two people. Though I was a fan of Hazelight’s previous co-op prison break A Way Out, It Takes Two is so much more special. Rather than being tied to a realistic world, It Takes Two features dozens of zany, creative worlds that each allow for a gameplay mechanic that takes advantage of having two players working together. Shooting galleries, puzzles, platforming, and combat are all made better because so few moments in the game feel like one that came before it. When the game came out, it helped me and my girlfriend bond and perhaps pointed out some of my problems with communication. It’s strange that a game can be so mechanically and emotionally gripping, forming a full realization of translating exposition into gameplay. And if you need a game to play with someone close to you, this has to be on your list.

Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village review

Capcom became fully comfortable with its use of first-person horror with Resident Evil Village. Breaking away from the confines of the Louisiana Bayou that made Resident Evil 7, Village dialed into gothic horror with its snowy Eastern European castles and villages. Trying to tie together the threads of the previous game with the entire Resident Evil franchise, Village surprisingly captured the brilliance of Resident Evil 4 not only thematically but in its gameplay. Sure the perspective switch makes for a different experience but it’s hard not to see the links between the two. Memes about being stomped by Lady Dimitrescu aside, the tension around many of Village‘s encounters constantly grips the player as they try to survive increasingly difficult odds. Sure it’s a horror game and it’s the holidays, but there’s a lot of snow! Plus it’s one of the year’s best.

Boomerang X

Boomerang X review

Boomerang X was one of the few games I went into reviewing this year having never heard of it of before. What a simple treasure it was. I’m very fond of indie games and Devolver Digital constantly pushes out quality titles. Boomerang X is, in a way, a first-person shooter but not really. While the action unfolds from the first-person, it truly has no comparisons. Players use a mystical boomerang to take out inky black creatures in increasingly complex and difficult arenas. Developer Dang! introduces several new moves to the player meant to the boomerang into a whirling dervish of death. Being able to toss a boomerang across the map, teleport to it, and then slow down time to target an enemy never got old. It’s a short game, meant to be played in whatever bursts the player deems necessary. Despite a few difficulty spikes that can be managed with some accessibility options, Boomerang X is a game meant for players wishing to master a title that asks for razor-sharp precision and quick movement. While I rarely have those things, it’s a hidden gem that deserves as much love as it can get.

No More Heroes 3

No More Heroes 3 review

No More Heroes 3 is one of the first Switch games I reviewed and also the first No More Heroes game I’ve played. I skipped out on the Wii and WiiU so I kind of never had the chance to. Bizarre, ridiculous, flashy, fun, engaging, and potentially the last of its kind, No More Heroes 3 is a blast to play on Switch because it finds players flailing around the JoyCon controllers to slash at Travis Touchdown’s evolving roster of boss battles. Featuring a bunch of silly mini-games and focusing on a group of boss fights, No More Heroes 3 never takes itself too seriously and that’s the kind of thing we need sometimes.


Dreamscaper review

For those looking for yet another roguelike to add to the list, Dreamscaper is a must-have. I was honestly surprised by this game and its evolving loop. Framed around a girl named Cassidy who has moved to the big city and is working her way through some demons, Dreamscaper does a phenomenal job at translating gameplay and narrative using the pillars of the genre. Everything surrounding Dreamscaper feel quite subdued, from its visuals, music, and even its release. But it makes the game feel more personal and special, the kind of thing people hear about over time and check it out, only to fall in love with it.


Deathloop review

Deathloop is an exceptionally special game and probably the perfect, distilled Arkane game. Somehow, a studio known for its immersive sims and fantastic sandboxes managed to piece together the best parts of Dishonored and Prey and what came before. Part shooter, part roguelike, part narrative action, Deathloop is a game that teaches players a dozen things at once in a quest to break free from the bonds of having too much choice. With the time loop mechanic, death or a simple mistake feel less punishing and just a part of the learning experience. I’ve heard criticism that Deathloop can be confusing but I never ran into that problem. The game starts with a singular goal and then swells from there, surprising the player constantly throughout the journey. It is definitely a PlayStation 5 must-play. But Deathloop is more than that, often transcending what we want from a game.

Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 review

Those looking for a long game to sink their teeth into this holiday will have plenty to sup upon with Far Cry 6. Massive in scope, Far Cry 6 is not a far departure from what Ubisoft has done in the past with the series or with its own staple of open world games. But Far Cry 6 is a high point in the series, taking what has been done before and dialing it up. There’s a lot of comfort food to be had in checking off icons off the massive country of Yara while upending the reign of Giancarlo Esposito’s Antón Castillo. Shooting feels great and the amount of side activities players can do result in a deep and immersive experience. Plus, you can play co-op and cockfight tournament fighter-style. Seasons’ Greetings!

Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood review

What better way to spend the holidays than being together and shooting “zombies” in a post-apocalypse? Back 4 Blood is the perfect excuse to get the Left 4 Dead crew back together. Up to four people can group up and spend countless hours shooting away mutated baddies from the team who provided one of the best games for doing just that. Back 4 Blood feels fresh but also harbors that kind of classic team-based shooting experience that has become increasingly common. It’s likely you’ve played a game like this where you’re against all odds, whether it be aliens or infected or humans. It’s just that Back 4 Blood does it so well. And as the game constantly involves, it’s likely that there will be more and more reasons to get into the action.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy review

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is likely going to be my Game of the Year in 2021. It’s that good. Love Marvel? Check this out. Love the MCU? Check this out. Love games? Check this out. This is a game about family, a perfect theme for the holidays. After Square-Enix and Crystal Dynamics stumbled with the Marvel’s Avengers, I think a lot of people were hesitant about Guardians of the Galaxy, writing it off as a clone of the MCU counterparts or just unfunny. As I expected, none of this came true. Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the finest games based on a comic book property because it capture the essence of the pages and nails these characters. It creates an incredible vision of the universe and features some of the best writing and dialog in a game. Combat may wear thin for some but its team-based antics provide a lot of good fun. There’s no reason to miss out on this.


Hear me out. While the game had some issues back when it came out LAST YEAR, it has a few things going for it this year to make it a firm consideration. Firstly, if you’re a PSN member and you were awake last month, you could download this game for free. Free is a great price for any game, even if it’s bad. PGA Tour is not bad. Secondly, the game gets you together with friends without needing a loadout to drive it all. You are armed with gloves, clubs, and a drink of your choice (could be anything). You can chat it up with your friends, while you try to beat them in a golf game. Social interaction is key to this sucker, as well to survive a pandemic. Lastly, golf is far more fun in videogame form than in real life. I’ll die on that hill. I lettered in it during high school and my entire family loves playing it in real life. Anyway, to recap, free, friends, golf… what more could you want?

Life is Strange: True Colors

Life is Strange: True Colors review

A bit of a departure from golf, Life is Strange: True Colors follows Alex Chen in search of her brother Gabe who resides in Haven Springs, Colorado. As you can imagine, things don’t go smoothly and powers are discovered along the way, as well as a good story. If you have never played a Life is Strange game, this could be the one to start out on, as it’s more refined and prettier than previous versions. It’s certainly one of the best games that have rolled out of the Square-Enix camp this year and a solid suggestion for a game for that certain someone in your life who enjoys tragedy and redemption during the holiday season. Everyone has that someone in their life, right? Okay, I would like to believe that is a thing.

Circuit Superstars

Is it weirder that I chose this game for a recommendation when F1 was out there or that Square-Enix published this game? Regardless, it is unexpected fun, as you can live out your Micro Machines dream of racing tiny cars on a racing track repeatedly. For those who had the absolute privilege of playing Super Sprint in the arcade back in the day, you’re going to enjoy the hell out of this. Plus, it has Top Gear DLC with it. Why wouldn’t you want that? Okay, if you don’t like racing, then it will be a hard sell. BUT STILL! It’s a cool racing title.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut

This game is one of the best that Sony has ever published. Saving Tsushima against a badass army of invaders, while trying to become a leader is something to behold. Gorgeous game, a stunning storyline, and you get to play as a samurai! If you ever wanted to live a Kurosawa movie, this is the moment. Having played through this twice, I can assure you that it’s worth your time and attention. Again, it’s one of the best games that Sony has published in the last five years. You will get at least 50 hours out of the experience.


Flight School Studio takes a flying leap off a tree with this one… literally, that’s part of the game. You play a tiny family that builds insect robots to collect material with so that you can build a better future. Along the way, you fight (but don’t necessarily kill) insects and explore a forest area. The story is a journey across different landscapes and features wonderful insects to combat. It’s a wholesome adventure and one to consider when you’re looking for something that isn’t necessarily AAA.


A point-and-click adventure from the indie devs at Imaginary Friends Games. You go on a journey to put together a ‘shindig’ on a local island. Along the way, you meet animals, a large photorealistic cat, and plenty of well-written humorous characters. While the adventure is simplistic for all ages, the joy of this journey is the story and acting, as well as the intentions. A wife/husband duo put this game together on their own with very personal elements included. This will be the best $7.99 you have spent on a game in some time. This is by far one of the most entertaining indie games I had the pleasure of reviewing this year and you can tell that it was developed with a lot of love behind it. Again, this is a game for all ages.

Borderlands 3: Ultimate Edition

Borderlands 3 Review

C’mon. You knew this was going to be on the list. Next-generation upgrades. Lots of DLC. Fantastic writing and fun with friends. Also, good stories and characters. It’s one of the better 2K-published games out there and it’s worth a good look if you want something that is fun, first-person, and funny as hell. Plus, there is a physical edition coming, so you can stuff someone’s stocking. Or whatever it is you stuff.

Last Stop

What an interesting game that has so many moving pieces and parts yet comes together like a well-oiled machine by the end. This is the type of game I expect on a year-in/year-out basis from Annapurna-published goods. You get a lot of characters to control and help to make branching choices for, which is always a fun time, especially in the replay department. It does help that the game is built with down-to-earth human emotion packed into a supernatural wrapper. It was one of the better games I played this past summer, and something to consider when you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience.

Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

I know what you’re thinking, “Seriously? Why do you like this game? We don’t get it.” And you would be right. I like this game and clearly, the naysayers out there simply don’t get it. And this is your chance to get it. It’s a game that spoke to me when I originally reviewed it back in 2019, and a game that still speaks to me the third time around (I reviewed the PC version). Hideo Kojima’s masterpiece is back with more story, more exploration, and more at stake. Sam Bridges’ journey to discover his true purpose in life and unravel the mystery of the dead walking/floating amongst the living in non-zombie form, is a creepy, lonely journey that is at the same time mesmerizing and peaceful. It’s an odd combination of everything, but one that makes sense in the end. It’s oddity of a game that fits the groove of the world right now.


One of the goals for DigitalChumps this year was to get more involved with electronics and hands-on equipment. We’re all wonderful nerds that like gadgets and accessories to go along with our gaming prowess, so this makes sense that we include what we dug into this past year for this gift guide. You won’t see everything that we reviewed, but you will get some healthy recommendations to give your brain some non-game items to think about when you’re trying to get the perfect gift for that certain someone in your life.

Anyway, let us recommend some hardware:

ROCCAT Torch Microphone

ROCCAT Torch review

The ROCCAT Torch is one of the best introductory microphones for those wanting to kickstart a streaming career. It should find its place nestled nicely next to the Blue Yeti as a go-to standard. But the Torch is certainly more gaming-centric in both look and features. Streamers and casters will find essential features packed into the base along with a sleek-looking that should fit perfectly into a streaming setup. The best features of the Torch are its contactless quick-mute and its Whisper pick-up pattern. Users can simply swipe their hand over the top of the mic and it will mute the device within a second. The Whisper pick-up pattern is capable of adjusting gain on the fly, meaning loud sounds will get muffled and quieter sounds will be picked up better. Plus, the a few handy lights provide a visual indicator for what pick-up pattern is selected, the gain level, and if you’re live or not. All this at an affordable price means that it should be a given if you know anyone that is trying to up their live game.

Victor Tech DC840 High Rise Height Adjustable Electric Full Standing Desk

Victor Tech DC840 Standing Desk review

Shortly after I moved to a new house, I got to work at the Victor Tech DC840 High Rise Height Adjustable Electric Full Standing Desk (or Victor DC840 for short) in a new office. I had always wanted to try out a standing desk because at work I often am bending over or just not as comfortable as I could be. At the time, I had no idea that a standing desk could be motorized but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The Victor DC840 might be an expensive piece of equipment but it’s an extremely sturdy, capable desk. Being able to program various heights and switch to them at the push of a button is a dream. Quiet, sleek, and clean, the Victor DC840 works for business, gaming, a combination of the two, or just as an everyday desk.

JBL Quantum Headset Line

JBL Quantum 800 Wireless Headset

The JBL Quantum line of headsets is for gamers looking for quality sound across a spectrum of price points. JBL, much like EPOS below, might not be one of the names expecting when seeking out gaming headsets. But JBL also makes quality headphones and earbuds meant for music and everyday use. Last year, I reviewed the Quantum 800 Wireless headset and was shocked at its features, including lights, wireless capability, active noise cancelling, and great surround sound. A more budget-friendly option, the Quantum 350, is a new addition to the lineup and can be used on PC and console. Players can use the Quantum 350 for around 22 hours not only because of the long battery life but also because of the comfortable fit. The cups use a soft memory foam material and a detachable boom mic make it great for chat lobbies or a work call. It might have a lot of the features of the Quantum 800 but the Quantum 350 has incredible sound that would be hard to distinguish from more expensive headsets. If you’re familiar with the brand or looking, JBL might have something to consider.

EPOS H3 / H6 Headsets

While this space is typically filled full of Turtle Beach and ROCCAT material, I must give a big shoutout to the folks at EPOS for developing a set of gaming headsets that are simply outstanding. They come in both Bluetooth and wired and are incredibly comfortable and sound good during a gaming experience. Or a zoom call. Or while walking to one’s car at night that is parked four blocks away in a non-lit area of Baltimore. Whatever the case might be, the EPOS headsets really cover the gambit of gaming and audio pleasure. And they do a great job with the former. For example, while playing Battlefield 2042 this past weekend, I heard the footsteps of enemy soldiers coming up the ladder of a church loft that I was hiding in where I was putting on a snipe fest. You don’t need to see the Twitch video. Just know I was unbelievable. Anyway, because of the H6 headset, I dispatched some German soldiers before they could get to me. The sound was so clear. I totally didn’t die repeatedly. Anyway, gorgeous headsets that lead into the next EPOS accessory…

EPOS GTW 270 Earbuds

When you are part of a company that contains Sennheiser, you are bound to do well with audio devices. True story. The GTW 270 Earbuds were a wonderful delight this year. Comfortable in your ears, long-lasting batteries, and gentle sounds are what makes up the 270 experience. They were far less fussy than my Amazon ECHO Earbuds, which have hard swings in the pros/cons category. If you’re looking for a non-Apple, non-Amazon experience with good sound, these are the earbuds for you.


We tried this sucker out this year and let me tell you if you’re looking for a present that is both educational and fun, then welcome to Circuitmess’ Nibble STEM-based handheld console builder. Whew, that was a large way to end a sentence. This device allows you to build a handheld system from scratch, including a screen and buttons, and then code it with games and functionality. When we got this into the household, my second daughter (17) dug right into it and we had competitions on the handheld device. The gaming console comes with knock-off games such as Snake (not called Snake), Asteroids (not called Asteroids), and a few other titles that you know how to play but can’t call them by their original names. Anyway, this is a neat device that will teach your kids some minor engineering, while also providing entertainment along the way. It’s cool and gratifying. For the record, my second daughter’s high score in Snake (not called that) is 66. Also, should you be a competitive gaming parent at heart, you can erase scores if you can’t top them.

Elgato HD60 S+

Elgato HD60 S+One day I will figure out the streaming game and how to make excellent looking feeds and give the impression that I’m a professional. Until that day I stand by my impression that the Elgato HD60 S+ capture device is the way to go if you want to make a big invest on game capture and livestreaming. The reason I bought the S+ is because it has 4K HDR passthrough, meaning that if you want to play your games and not lose any quality while streaming or recording, you won’t. On my PlayStation 5, I can have the S+ connected and not miss out on any of the next-gen quality visuals while fidgeting with a stream or experimenting with recording. Elgato usually sets a high standard and this capture device is no exception.