Ashley Rock Axe Game Controller (PS2/PS3)

Ashley Rock Axe Game Controller (PS2/PS3)

The Look

Introducing the Ashley Rock Axe Game Controller. This is the solution the the biggest complaint I’ve heard about the Rockband and Guitar Hero type games. Unlike the stock (or even premium aftermarket) guitars, this looks and feels like the real thing. That’s because, it sort of is the real thing!  

The Ashley Rock Axe used to actually be a guitar! With a solid wood body, a maple neck, a rosewood finger board, real tuning pegs, and places for real stings… the Ashley Rock Axe has the look and feel of a real guitar, with the hardware of a video game controller. 

Another unique feature of this guitar is the fact that it is so versatile. You can switch between Rockband and Guitar Hero modes. You can also hook this controller into either a PS2 or a PS3 system, with the default hardware that comes supplied with the control! The cross compatibility makes it a great value, and a handy controller to own if you travel between friend’s homes who have different games or different systems.

The controller comes with a pretty cool looking “Rock Axe” branded guitar strap, which is pretty cool in and of itself. If you really want a custom game experience, this is a standard sized guitar with standard guitar features… you can go to a music store and get something more comfortable or more your own personal style… and it will work!

After an initial trial myself, I decided to get an expert second opinion. I got a real guitarist (and fellow Rockband II fan) to give the Ashley Rock Axe a try. He told me what I had already suspected, that it felt good! His one complaint about Rockband has always been how small and awkward the guitar controllers are. The Ashley Rock Axe has the size and weight of the guitar he was used to holding. With that addressed, Rock Band was as real a simulation of playing a live show that you can have without there being strings and an amp. 

Aesthetically, my only complaint on this controller was the color of the buttons. They were very light colored, and didn’t match the gritty dark rock feel of a cool rock axe. If they were to make the buttons as cool as the rest of the guitar, this would possibly be the coolest controller for any game ever made!

The Function

The Ashley Rock Axe game controller works pretty well! It has 10 buttons on the fret board, 5 fret buttons and 5 solo buttons. My only complaint is the lack of sensitivity in the buttons. You really have to mash them down to get them to register. I’ve already seen tutorials online for how to remedy the issue, and it’s surprisingly easy to do. After a small modification it works pretty well!

The wireless component of this controller works well. I get enough range that I’ve never needed to be closer to the receiver on the TV (not that my house is large enough that it would be a problem for me…). I’ve given it a good road test, and thus far the four ‘AA’ sized batteries haven’t drained. The build seems sturdy, and I’d be willing to bet that the solid wood construction will allow for a lot more abuse than the cheap plastic forefathers that ship with most rock games.  Overall, I was highly satisfied with this controller, and I hope to see Ashley produce a second generation with better functioning and cooler looking buttons.