EXCLUSIVE: Killzone 2 Revealed: The Full Chat Log – Part 3

19:34 Diddydansure
19:34 algorithman oops
19:34 DC-StevenMcGehee lol, well that wasn’t that long algo
19:34 DC-StevenMcGehee You could have typed it like a dozen times πŸ˜› jk πŸ™‚
19:34 Diddydanalgo use ctrl+v to paste
19:34 algorithman noo
19:34 nssdigitalchumps only in Windows
19:34 DC-StevenMcGehee got a 404 error on that too, d’oh.
19:34 Diddydanah
19:34 OtherSteve me too, heh
19:34 OtherSteve I think you missed a character or two in that link πŸ˜€
19:34 nssdigitalchumps in Mac it’s command + c (copy) command + v (paste)
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Salamun District (5 Parts) (Mission 4/10)
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee haha jk
19:35 MrE yes more mission info
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Canal Bank – Taking the sewers and back alleys, Sev picks his way through District to rejoin convoy at the North bridge.
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Dushan Tower Courtyard – Garza/Sev reunite with a vertical battle separating the two (lots of stairs/levels). (Flamethrower)
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Dushan Loading Bay – Sev/Garza stop to battle mortar batteries attacking Narville and his convoy.
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Corinith Shanties – Mortars stopped, Rico advises that Sev/Garza link up with an ISA attachment that is sweeping through nearby shanties.
19:35 DC-StevenMcGehee -Substation Strongpoint – Sev/Garza catch up with Narville and convoy, but anti-tank fire from roof of a substation halts things.
19:35 Diddydanoo flamethrower
19:36 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, it’s pretty slick. Obviously best in CQB, but you can get a good arc on that thing.
19:36 DC-StevenMcGehee Helghan will start to use it around this time in the game as well.
19:36 DC-StevenMcGehee Only ever faced probably six Helghan snipers, and they have a laser site so you know what to avoid.
19:36 Diddydangood’
19:36 Diddydanat least u knoiw
19:36 Diddydanknow
19:37 Diddydanbit unfair otherwise
19:37 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah; when they throw a ‘nade, btw, you have to use sound to know where it’s at, there is no pointer icon that pops up, for what that’s worth.
19:37 algorithman anyone from gamegaqss?
19:37 nssdigitalchumps did you just say ‘nade?
19:37 Diddydanim from game faqs
19:37 DC-StevenMcGehee Yes, if you know how to pronounce it πŸ™‚
19:37 algorithman WHAT NO COD indicator???
19:37 MrE no, not on gamefaqs, though i go there for help sometimes
19:37 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:37 algorithman diddy who are you then?
19:38 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah you either gotta see them throw it or just listen for the sound of its beep getting faster and faster.
19:38 Diddydanwhat u mean?
19:38 DC-StevenMcGehee He’s the Batman.
19:38 DC-StevenMcGehee πŸ™‚ jk
19:38 Diddydanalgo?
19:38 Diddydanyer
19:38 Diddydanim robbin
19:38 OtherSteve Why so serious?
19:38 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
19:38 algorithman Ohh
19:38 algorithman *sigh*
19:38 algorithman cuz im the joker
19:38 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:38 OtherSteve Liar, Heath Ledger is dead
19:39 Diddydani liked batman good movie
19:39 algorithman no im not
19:39 OtherSteve Unless…. wait, are you undead?
19:39 OtherSteve I guess you’re starring in a Capcom game then
19:39 algorithman i am?
19:39 OtherSteve *rim shot*
19:39 Diddydanok well guys i think im gonna head out
19:39 OtherSteve Diddy, thanks for coming man!
19:39 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah man , thanks a lot.
19:39 OtherSteve Look for the chat log tonight.
19:39 Diddydanits been good fun
19:39 algorithman by diddy
19:39 OtherSteve Actually, early tomorrow morning.
19:39 DC-StevenMcGehee Sweet, glad you enjoyed it.
19:39 algorithman bye
19:39 OtherSteve Hope to see you in the future πŸ™‚
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee “You mean the past…”
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee (Back to the Future joke)
19:40 OtherSteve heh
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee Sorry, love that scene.
19:40 algorithman i hear audia but no video
19:40 OtherSteve wow we *are* nerds.
19:40 nssdigitalchumps damn right we are.
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:40 nssdigitalchumps Wait, just you.
19:40 OtherSteve heh
19:40 Diddydanu guys got a forum?
19:40 OtherSteve yeah, brand new
19:40 DC-StevenMcGehee He’s back πŸ˜€
19:40 OtherSteve so no one’s there yet πŸ˜€
19:40 algorithman yes you guy are nerds *gets asthma pump*
19:40 Diddydanwhere?
19:40 nssdigitalchumps I’m a movie buff, not a nerd.
19:41 nssdigitalchumps wholly other.
19:41 OtherSteve Click up at the top on “Forums”
19:41 Diddydancool
19:41 algorithman do y guys have pocke protectors
19:41 OtherSteve You have to register on the site, of course that takes like ten seconds.
19:41 nssdigitalchumps Not yet
19:41 DC-StevenMcGehee With Bluetooth.
19:41 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh yes.
19:41 algorithman and pocket protector protectors
19:41 nssdigitalchumps We went to CES and are waiting for the fancy ones.
19:41 OtherSteve you know, if you have more questions, posting them on the forums would work perfectly.
19:41 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:41 algorithman lol
19:41 DC-StevenMcGehee No doubt; forums, directly to me.. I’d love to have some things to answer.
19:42 DC-StevenMcGehee Especially after I get more MP under the hood.
19:42 algorithman why are u doing that?
19:42 OtherSteve lol
19:42 DC-StevenMcGehee … he’s a goof.
19:42 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:42 nssdigitalchumps who did that
19:42 OtherSteve He did it to me.
19:42 nssdigitalchumps ?
19:42 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:42 DC-StevenMcGehee The Internet is warning you a whole, man.
19:42 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:42 OtherSteve The internet: Serious Business
19:42 DC-StevenMcGehee Alright, let me throw out these Mission 5 notes πŸ™‚
19:43 algorithman Do you guys EVER go outside
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee This would have to be my favorite mission of the first 6 btw
19:43 OtherSteve

19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Salamun Bridge (5 Parts)
19:43 nssdigitalchumps Consists of Tubes I hear.
19:43 OtherSteve Actually we’re all married
19:43 algorithman do you know that big yell ball
19:43 OtherSteve But we’re still nerds πŸ˜‰
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Bridge East – Large Helghast force is defending the bridge, must eliminate to move forward.
19:43 algorithman that might possibly try to eat you
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Air Defense 22-12ILC – Now that the Helghast have raised the bridge, it needs to be lowered again for the convoy to be able to move.
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Bridge West – Bridge now lowered, ISA convoy advances to secure a route to Visari’s Palace
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Radec Academy – Radec is said to be in the academy, Alpha Team tries to get there in time to get him.
19:43 DC-StevenMcGehee -Academy Rooftop – Radec escapes, Alpha under attack from an ATAC, Sev-only boss fight
19:44 DC-StevenMcGehee By this point btw, you’ll have also encountered the sniper rifle, shotgun, and grenade launcher.
19:44 DC-StevenMcGehee Actually after this, there are like two more guns to get, maybe just one..hmm. electric gun and possibly one other.
19:44 algorithman *another one
19:44 MrE which is your favorite?
19:44 DC-StevenMcGehee The standard M82 honestly.
19:44 MrE sorry i am off and on, i plan to read the log
19:45 DC-StevenMcGehee np at all
19:45 DC-StevenMcGehee I enjoy the questions.
19:45 algorithman do you have 360
19:45 DC-StevenMcGehee I do
19:45 OtherSteve lol, he has everything.
19:45 algorithman gt
19:45 OtherSteve Seriously, he has more consoles and games than anyone I think I have ever met
19:45 nssdigitalchumps He doesn’t have an Odessey.
19:46 nssdigitalchumps Misspell.
19:46 OtherSteve Yes, I was going to say, that doesn’t exist
19:46 DC-StevenMcGehee May find it hard to believe, but I really don’t get on XBL really at all; doesn’t help my wifi adapter is being borrowed at this time.
19:46 DC-StevenMcGehee I think I’ve got all the consoles i want though
19:46 nssdigitalchumps Odsessy
19:46 algorithman o
19:46 DC-StevenMcGehee I spend a lot of my time playing the older games, so I’m not on XBL or even PSN a hell of a lot.
19:46 nssdigitalchumps I can’t spell. I’m embarassing the site.
19:46 algorithman i still have GC
19:46 algorithman ouy nac splee
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee I started off with a Sega Master System about 20 years ago, then did a lot of PC. Favorite genre is the old school point and click adventures, and of course those were single player.
19:47 OtherSteve NSS you are definitely an embarassment, you’re fired
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee Odyssey, hah.
19:47 nssdigitalchumps Ugh…
19:47 nssdigitalchumps there we go.
19:47 nssdigitalchumps Assist to Steve
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee You should take an Odyssey to a dictionary.
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee haha jk
19:47 OtherSteve rofl
19:47 algorithman wats a dictionary?
19:47 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee I’ll answer this one NSS
19:47 OtherSteve algorithman, how long you been playing games?
19:47 DC-StevenMcGehee seeing as you can’t πŸ˜‰ jk
19:47 nssdigitalchumps oh snap
19:48 DC-StevenMcGehee πŸ˜›
19:48 nssdigitalchumps I’ll be here for movie questions.
19:48 algorithman ive only nad ps 1 2 xbox and 360 in all
19:48 algorithman not more than 5 games each
19:48 OtherSteve

19:48 DC-StevenMcGehee Cool, man.
19:48 OtherSteve Just curious.
19:48 OtherSteve Sorry, that picture was for NSS
19:48 DC-StevenMcGehee PS2 I think is the greatest platform of them all, for consoles.
19:49 OtherSteve Personally I have to go with SNES
19:49 DC-StevenMcGehee PC may win that out if you just open it up to ‘gaming platforms’
19:49 nssdigitalchumps Oh, that’s gross!
19:49 nssdigitalchumps You have a SNES?
19:49 nssdigitalchumps Oh, I’m ‘shocked’.
19:49 OtherSteve SNES was the golden age of gaming if you ask me.
19:49 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:49 nssdigitalchumps No it wasn’t.
19:49 OtherSteve There was a AAA game at least once per month
19:49 OtherSteve for the entire life of the system.
19:49 algorithman lol i found new algorithm for cube
19:50 nssdigitalchumps Which was like a year.
19:50 OtherSteve You did? heh
19:50 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:50 algorithman yess for last layer
19:50 nssdigitalchumps Jaguar had the best games.
19:50 nssdigitalchumps 64-bit goodness
19:50 algorithman πŸ™‚
19:50 algorithman ewww jaguar ewwww
19:50 OtherSteve nice
19:50 DC-StevenMcGehee I like the Jag pretty well. I got one , and the JaguarCD.
19:50 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:50 DC-StevenMcGehee There were like 13 games for the JagCD, maybe four of which were exclusives.
19:50 OtherSteve I can do the Rubik’s Cube in around 1m30s
19:50 DC-StevenMcGehee Then like 82 for the Jag itself.
19:51 OtherSteve well, at least I could around 6 months ago
19:51 algorithman best game ever was SSBM
19:51 OtherSteve I need to pick one up again and brush up
19:51 algorithman super smash bros melee
19:51 nssdigitalchumps oh, lord
19:51 OtherSteve SSBM, true that.
19:51 nssdigitalchumps Why, Algo…. why??
19:51 algorithman i dunno!
19:51 nssdigitalchumps You mention that and OS will never be quiet.
19:51 OtherSteve Please excuse NSS; he hasn’t played very many games.
19:51 OtherSteve πŸ˜‰
19:51 nssdigitalchumps
19:51 OtherSteve Actually you should totally play Chrono Trigger too, though it’s a SNES game.
19:51 DC-StevenMcGehee And NDS now too, right?
19:52 OtherSteve Yes indeed.
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee Same game or what did they do to it?
19:52 OtherSteve Added stuff that sucks.
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
19:52 OtherSteve But the main game is as golden as ever
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee A story?
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee jk πŸ™‚
19:52 OtherSteve lol
19:52 algorithman who plays WoW
19:52 nssdigitalchumps OS does.
19:52 OtherSteve Never got into it honestly.
19:52 nssdigitalchumps He is a level 45 mage.
19:52 OtherSteve I played Diablo a ton though
19:52 OtherSteve heh
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee Me either; I hate reoccuring fees πŸ˜›
19:52 DC-StevenMcGehee And I need an end to games i play
19:52 nssdigitalchumps with a minor in nerdiness.
19:52 OtherSteve Ever play Diablo algorithman?
19:52 algorithman nooo
19:53 DC-StevenMcGehee I need to see Credits, damn it πŸ˜›
19:53 DC-StevenMcGehee jk
19:53 OtherSteve Diablo 2 was fantastic
19:53 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:53 algorithman dont even know what it is or waht system
19:53 nssdigitalchumps Diablo 2 was overrated.
19:53 algorithman purely console
19:53 OtherSteve PC, like 10 years ago.
19:53 OtherSteve you like WoW?
19:53 algorithman I tried World of warcraft but my Comp too slow??
19:53 nssdigitalchumps Travis!
19:53 OtherSteve Oh, that sucks.
19:53 nssdigitalchumps Our old anime editor has joined the chat.
19:53 OtherSteve oh jesus
19:53 OtherSteve kidding πŸ˜‰
19:53 OtherSteve Hey Travis!
19:54 DC-StevenMcGehee Travis, seriously? Cool!
19:54 DinkyDinkyDooo oye
19:54 algorithman when my char. walked he too 1 step every 10 sec about πŸ™
19:54 nssdigitalchumps Yeah
19:54 OtherSteve algorithman, wow, that blows. Er, I mean WoW
19:54 OtherSteve lol
19:54 nssdigitalchumps He’s eating Japanese curry in japan
19:54 nssdigitalchumps lame.
19:54 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, that definitley sounds like a hardware issue.
19:54 algorithman WoW too big for my comp
19:54 OtherSteve algorithman, what video card do you have?
19:54 algorithman my comp is WEAK
19:54 OtherSteve Oh, I was going to say check your drivers, but…
19:55 nssdigitalchumps You probably need a mac.
19:55 OtherSteve Like you need a fork through your eyeball
19:55 algorithman dont even have a i have the mack where the “BRAIN” IS the site where the screen connects
19:55 OtherSteve

19:55 algorithman i thought it was cool but its so slow for games
19:56 OtherSteve

19:56 OtherSteve He has a mac already, so that image applies
19:56 DC-StevenMcGehee I’m gonna post these mission 6 notes real quick, these are the last notes we’re allowed to post πŸ™‚
19:56 algorithman lololol πŸ˜€
19:56 nssdigitalchumps my lord.
19:56 DC-StevenMcGehee This is my third favorite mission, btw πŸ™‚
19:56 OtherSteve yes, please do!
19:56 DC-StevenMcGehee -Suljeva Village (6 Parts)
19:56 DC-StevenMcGehee -Badlands – Escort Evelyn Batton to the mining facilities control room
19:56 DC-StevenMcGehee I know you see escort there, but it’s not bad πŸ™‚
19:57 OtherSteve that would be a first-ever for gaming
19:57 algorithman i cant see vid
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee I often hate escort missions in games because the friendly AI dies, a lot, or does dumb things. But I don’t think she died one time. She carries that revolver and does okay for herself, plus there isn’t much resistance or very much distance to cover.
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee -Suljeva North – Sev and Rico search the ruins of the mining facility for the missing ISA scout party.
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee -Maintenance Office – Scout party is wiped out; Sev/Rico become under attack by Helghast
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee -Vojislav Mining Facility – Sev/Rico press onward to activate the antennas so Evelyn can scan for Petrusite, the ore that Helghast use for energy/weapons (part of what Arc Tower was).
19:57 OtherSteve Which video Algorithman? I posted an image actually
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee -Suljeva North – Sev/Rico chase captors of Evelyn and Natko who are being taken to a train station
19:57 DC-StevenMcGehee -Waystation 14 – Train is about to leave, Sev/Rico must battle to catch it
19:58 algorithman i hear sound
19:58 OtherSteve Wow, that’s a long mission there
19:58 nssdigitalchumps That poor japanese kid!
19:58 nssdigitalchumps what a horrible picture, OS.
19:58 nssdigitalchumps That crane probably took that kid’s head off.
19:58 DinkyDinkyDooo ええ、À½‒?
19:59 OtherSteve He deserves it, he was plotting to kill the bird. The little known story behind the photo… on 60 minutes.
19:59 DC-StevenMcGehee Mission 6 took 1h1m on Hard; about on par for most missions
19:59 nssdigitalchumps Sweet, Japanese Noodles.
19:59 DC-StevenMcGehee second to last mission was very, very short.
20:00 algorithman

20:00 algorithman does it work?
20:00 OtherSteve oh well, you have to have varying lengths/pace
20:00 OtherSteve Heh, very nice algorithman
20:00 DC-StevenMcGehee So algo, do you have any specific questions that I can get back to you about? I’ll be spending more time with MP this week.
20:00 OtherSteve lol
20:00 nssdigitalchumps lol
20:00 nssdigitalchumps I’m sorry, is that helgast humping the halo guy?
20:00 algorithman ye
20:00 OtherSteve algorithman, if you think of anything else to ask, feel free to jump-start our positively dead new forums πŸ˜€
20:00 algorithman ok
20:01 nssdigitalchumps He deserved it.
20:01 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, that too πŸ™‚
20:01 OtherSteve This will be quite a long chat log to post, but I think people will enjoy it.
20:01 DinkyDinkyDooo i lika yu
20:01 OtherSteve Perhaps we will highlight Steven’s replies.
20:01 algorithman who built the pyramids?
20:01 nssdigitalchumps Sony is going to love the end of the chat.
20:01 OtherSteve The Egyptians
20:01 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, should probably trim it to the game info πŸ™‚
20:01 nssdigitalchumps I’m sure that will drive it all home.
20:01 DC-StevenMcGehee Er, you know, the game discussion.
20:01 OtherSteve lol
20:02 OtherSteve Why do you say that
20:02 algorithman k πŸ™
20:02 OtherSteve hehe πŸ™‚
20:02 nssdigitalchumps lol
20:02 nssdigitalchumps Nah, Alex will love it.
20:02 nssdigitalchumps Especially the picture of Halo.
20:02 OtherSteve Birds biting Japanese kids’ heads isn’t relevant you mean?
20:02 algorithman oh i had a quest u didnt answer
20:02 DC-StevenMcGehee Hey Travis, you still listen to metal?
20:02 DinkyDinkyDooo of course
20:02 DC-StevenMcGehee The new Cannibal Corpse is out in like 2 weeks
20:02 DC-StevenMcGehee The single is badass
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Evisceration Plague; some of the best I’ve heard from them in a long ass time.
20:03 OtherSteve algorithman, post your question, he’ll answer it πŸ™‚
20:03 algorithman if i am a scout and i have sniper……can i pick up a shot gun and STILL have my cloaking ability to run around like a noob and shot gun people while invisible? πŸ™‚
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Or find out the answer πŸ™‚
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee I’ll contact our Sony rep if need be.
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Copying that to a notepad file now… I’ll work on this for you.
20:03 DinkyDinkyDooo cannibal corpse just isn’t the smae to me
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee What’s the best way to contact you?
20:03 DinkyDinkyDooo new Lamb of god out next month
20:03 algorithman me
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee I didn’t know that, nice.
20:03 OtherSteve algorithman, if you want to create an account he can just message you
20:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, you algo, for the answer
20:04 algorithman whats a Lamb of god
20:04 nssdigitalchumps Band
20:04 algorithman jaylevar@aol
20:04 OtherSteve you don’t have to, but that way if you wish to post any questions on the forums you can.
20:04 algorithman lol aol
20:04 OtherSteve well it’s email anyway, aol or not
20:04 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah; ok, I’ll make a note of that, but if you make an account here, you can PM me and vice versa.
20:04 DC-StevenMcGehee But I’ll do email then for now, and keep an eye on my PMs and forums.
20:04 algorithman it said error privat mesag cannot be sent so….
20:04 algorithman j
20:04 algorithman a
20:04 algorithman y
20:04 algorithman l
20:05 algorithman e
20:05 algorithman v
20:05 algorithman a
20:05 nssdigitalchumps I’m off to review the second bourne film.
20:05 algorithman r
20:05 nssdigitalchumps Oh snap, OS.
20:05 nssdigitalchumps πŸ˜€
20:05 algorithman @
20:05 algorithman a
20:05 algorithman o
20:05 algorithman l
20:05 algorithman .
20:05 algorithman com
20:05 DC-StevenMcGehee Roger πŸ™‚
20:05 algorithman lol
20:05 OtherSteve notice how I did not reply NSS
20:05 nssdigitalchumps lol
20:05 algorithman what OS nssdigital?
20:05 nssdigitalchumps Oh, I’m just kidding OS.
20:05 OtherSteve al, that’s my nickname πŸ™‚
20:06 algorithman Other steve πŸ™
20:06 OtherSteve People on IGN have called me OS for almost ten years
20:06 nssdigitalchumps Don’t fire me, please.
20:06 OtherSteve speaking of which
20:06 OtherSteve I was the guy who revealed the SSBM secret characters πŸ™‚
20:06 algorithman brain fart πŸ™
20:06 algorithman i can beat all of u
20:06 nssdigitalchumps Have a good night, gents. Nice meeting you Algo
20:06 algorithman im a nerd in that game
20:06 algorithman okee dokee bye πŸ™‚
20:07 DC-StevenMcGehee later nss
20:07 DC-StevenMcGehee (not later enough, though I’m afraid)
20:07 OtherSteve later ass
20:07 DC-StevenMcGehee lol jk
20:07 nssdigitalchumps lol
20:07 OtherSteve I mean nss, typo, sorry
20:07 algorithman lol
20:07 DinkyDinkyDooo off to finish my curry
20:07 DinkyDinkyDooo later
20:07 nssdigitalchumps I have nothing to come back with. That was truly original and funny.
20:07 DC-StevenMcGehee take care Travis, drop by more often πŸ™‚
20:07 OtherSteve I know.
20:07 OtherSteve Travis
20:07 OtherSteve You have to be our guide for when we return
20:07 OtherSteve Damn you! He left.
20:08 nssdigitalchumps lol
20:08 nssdigitalchumps night (skull)
20:08 OtherSteve Night :@)
20:08 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, I may duck out of here pretty soon myself and get some food if there aren’t too many more questions πŸ™‚
20:08 algorithman scary????
20:08 OtherSteve (pacman)(ghost)
20:08 algorithman CHines food FTW
20:08 OtherSteve It’s all good
20:08 DC-StevenMcGehee And of course, forum/PM/email.
20:08 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
20:08 DC-StevenMcGehee I love chinese food.
20:08 OtherSteve algorithman, hopefully we’ll see you around on the site, maybe the forums or even the chat again
20:08 OtherSteve bring your friends!
20:09 OtherSteve we’re new, but I can guarantee you we will be big soon. πŸ˜€
20:09 algorithman yes but i may not be algorithman πŸ™‚
20:09 algorithman i wiil be incognito
20:09 OtherSteve Okay, well, just let us know πŸ˜€
20:09 OtherSteve hehe
20:09 DC-StevenMcGehee haha πŸ™‚
20:09 OtherSteve And thanks again for coming to the Q&A chat.
20:09 algorithman yesss
20:09 OtherSteve Watch for the log posting tomorrow if you want a copy πŸ™‚
20:09 algorithman wheres MRE?
20:10 DC-StevenMcGehee And bringing some good questions and answers, too.
20:10 OtherSteve Hmm, good question
20:10 OtherSteve he hasn’t chatted in a while
20:10 OtherSteve MrE, thanks for coming, if you read this
20:10 OtherSteve lol
20:10 DC-StevenMcGehee yeah, “he” had some great questions as well
20:10 algorithman i have no account on this site
20:10 OtherSteve well you can create one if you like, it’s free
20:10 DC-StevenMcGehee Free and fast to make one πŸ™‚
20:10 OtherSteve but that’s up to you.
20:10 algorithman some guy on gamefaqs posted this isite on oure forum baout killzone 2 and said to go
20:11 OtherSteve Nice, well we’re glad you made it
20:11 algorithman how do i find you guys?
20:11 DC-StevenMcGehee Indeed.
20:11 OtherSteve You mean on the site here?
20:11 DC-StevenMcGehee “just look for the symbol!” (bad Batman reference)
20:11 algorithman ye
20:11 OtherSteve lol
20:11 OtherSteve If you post on the forums we’ll definitely be around
20:11 OtherSteve we interact with our readers
20:11 OtherSteve we always did at Gamerz-Edge too
20:12 algorithman wait
20:12 OtherSteve We aren’t like most other sites; we’re professional reviewers, sure, but we are all just gamers like you πŸ™‚
20:12 algorithman so EVERYONE on the SAME chat
20:12 OtherSteve oh, we’ll do it again soon.
20:12 algorithman no individual chats on the same site going on simultaneously?
20:12 OtherSteve We will have other preview game Q&As in the future.
20:12 OtherSteve This is the scheduled Killzone 2 chat for tonight (it’s the top story on our site right now)
20:13 algorithman Okkk
20:13 OtherSteve as time goes by these will probably get to be pretty popular πŸ™‚
20:13 DC-StevenMcGehee Sure hope so, yeah.
20:13 algorithman do you leave now?
20:13 OtherSteve Sure, if you’d like… I’m about to eat something I think
20:13 OtherSteve I’m hungry πŸ˜€
20:13 OtherSteve Thanks for coming algorithman, and come to the forums sometime πŸ˜‰
20:13 DC-StevenMcGehee I may, yeah πŸ™‚ .. not sure if we’ll get many more people.
20:14 OtherSteve it’s been 3 hours
20:14 DC-StevenMcGehee OS, lets put a reminder as we leave about how people can contact us though.
20:14 OtherSteve Yes.
20:14 algorithman k ill bump the topic on gamefaqs lol
20:14 DC-StevenMcGehee I’d love to get some other questions frankly.
20:14 OtherSteve The Killzone 2 Q&A chat has now finished.
20:14 OtherSteve If you’d like to have your questions answered, you still can!
20:14 algorithman k πŸ™‚
20:14 OtherSteve Come to our new forums and post to your heart’s content!
20:14 algorithman i dunno what i want to ask
20:14 OtherSteve

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