EXCLUSIVE: Killzone 2 Revealed: The Full Chat Log – Part 2

18:46 Diddydan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G516I4EmTX4 IGN Killzone 2: Review Build vs. Preview Build

18:46 Diddydanthat is a comparison of review build and final
18:46 Nicktheman lol im ridiculously excited to read your review now
18:46 algorithman what how do you do that
18:47 Diddydanlinked it
18:47 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, on the radar, I believe so, I do know that you can see others when they fire, so, I would definitely assume so.
18:47 algorithman i know but u hck my computer
18:47 Diddydanno
18:47 algorithman yes
18:47 Diddydanjucst watch
18:47 algorithman k
18:48 OtherSteve I believe this video is discussing the differences between the *preview* build and review build
18:48 DC-StevenMcGehee Thanks Nick.
18:48 OtherSteve StevenM currently has the *review* build.
18:48 Diddydanno
18:48 Diddydanthis is the final build
18:48 Diddydanand review
18:48 Diddydannvm
18:48 Diddydanmy fault
18:48 OtherSteve Yes, I see what you mean. They are comparing the final to the preview build.
18:49 Diddydanpreview and review yer
18:49 OtherSteve StevenM has the final build 🙂
18:49 algorithman chunky gun 🙂
18:49 Diddydanno this is the review
18:49 Diddydanmy fault steven
18:49 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, it’s not the retail build, but it’s pretty close 🙂
18:49 DC-StevenMcGehee They didn’t provide a version number or anything like that, disc just says “Test Sample”.
18:49 algorithman like the color when you throw grenade
18:50 DC-StevenMcGehee And the PDF I got with it is named “KZ2 Review Code Information”
18:50 OtherSteve You can stop the video from looping by pausing it by the way 🙂
18:50 Diddydanyer
18:50 Nicktheman Do you prefer aiming with R3 over L1?
18:50 algorithman i heard knifing was monotonous 🙁 sad cuz i luv stealth
18:50 DC-StevenMcGehee I do, yeah.
18:51 Diddydan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSW0kEInJxECES 2009: Killzone 2 interview

18:51 DC-StevenMcGehee Knifing does work pretty darn well depending on how far spread out they are.
18:51 Diddydannew vid up there
18:51 DC-StevenMcGehee That room in the vid right now is from I believe the third checkpoint of mission 1
18:51 Nicktheman Hmm. I hope they give the option. And I hope you’ll have to hold it. IMO I dont like the way you just press it once to go into aim and once more to get out.
18:52 algorithman i mean, they dont give you the ‘stab in gut feelin’ you know how the BF Moderno combat knife was?
18:52 DC-StevenMcGehee Can’t relate Algo, sorry, haven’t played BFMC.
18:53 Nicktheman algo, from was ive seen, your just slashing your knife around mindlessly. Not really stabbing.
18:53 DC-StevenMcGehee Knifing here felt more like Solider of Fortune, if you’ve played that from several years ago. Pretty bloody, more about slicing.
18:53 Nicktheman I could be wrong though
18:53 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, when you press right on d-pad (again, default), he brings out the knife and does a slice to the left and right. Then you just press attack to slice back and forth, no stabbing motion.
18:53 DC-StevenMcGehee It’s more effective then close combat/melee with your gun.
18:54 d-ray did anything get repetitive while playing this game at all
18:54 algorithman yeah SLICING. thats the word, i like how cod let CONNECT, sometimes rather than SLICE or SWIPE the knife…..oh well im a nit picker 🙂
18:54 Diddydanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYEZOklMq4M&feature=related
18:54 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, d-ray, nnooot really. I mean it’s basically the same formula with little change throghout.
18:54 Diddydantheres a vid that shows the weapons
18:55 Diddydanpick it at the bottum if u want to watch
18:55 DC-StevenMcGehee There are a few mounted gun sequences, lots of firefighting.. how much cover the Helghast would take would really slow down the firefights some though, and that got a bit annoying.
18:55 DC-StevenMcGehee I’d have to say some of the sounds got really annoying, however, and very repetitous.
18:55 DC-StevenMcGehee Especially what your friendly AI would say.
18:55 DC-StevenMcGehee They curse a lot too, kinda too much really.. it gets very repetitive.
18:56 MrE yeah sometimes that bothers me in games today
18:56 d-ray like the first one haha
18:56 DC-StevenMcGehee And they’ll also constantly say stuff like “Sev, get in cover!” and “nice shot, you’re cleaning that one up!” and “reloading!” or “under heavy fire!”
18:56 Nicktheman Lol, I actually turn 17 about 2 weeks before this game is released. Can finally buy a game alone legally 😀
18:57 DC-StevenMcGehee Heh, yeah, but even more so. I was playing on Hard, but I don’t think that’s what made them take more cover. But they really dig in 🙂
18:57 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
18:57 Nicktheman whoa spoilers steven spoilers
18:57 Nicktheman jk XD
18:57 DC-StevenMcGehee 😛
18:57 Diddydanlol
18:57 algorithman no more fake beard nick?
18:57 DC-StevenMcGehee This is my first chat about a game, watch out 😛
18:57 Nicktheman lmao
18:58 DC-StevenMcGehee Just watching that vid some more, flamethrower is pretty darn sweet.
18:58 Nicktheman Ill be getting IDd til im 30 the way i look lol.
18:58 Diddydanwhat vid?
18:58 OtherSteve Nick, I have that problem
18:58 DC-StevenMcGehee You can really get some arc on it if you aim high and that works alright for getting Helghast behind cover.
18:58 OtherSteve I am 26 and people still think I’m under 21
18:58 algorithman hey how much u think ill get for my 360 gTa3 halo 3 gears 1 and 2 cuz im selling to add and buy ps3
18:58 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, one of the vids someone posted to the chatroom a while ago, lots of slo-motion, a youtube vid.
18:58 Nicktheman How are the fire effects? In many games they suck.
18:58 algorithman steve you have no BEARD haha
18:58 Diddydanoh the first one i posted
18:58 OtherSteve lol
18:59 OtherSteve True algorithman
18:59 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, you may do better selling those things individually Algo, btw, but I’d say about $30 per game.
18:59 algorithman me either im 18 and my 16 year old friend has he laughs at me
18:59 Nicktheman Haha OtherSteve that sucks >< luckily legal drinking age here isnt 21,its 18, so one more year and im good XD
18:59 DC-StevenMcGehee Just stay away from Gamestop 🙂
18:59 OtherSteve Well you start to enjoy being ID’d after you get past, say, 25. Because then you feel old, believe me.
18:59 Nicktheman it cut me off again >.>
18:59 Nicktheman haha
19:00 algorithman wat cut u off?
19:00 Nicktheman legal drinking age here is 18 so i’ll be getting ID constantly for many years ><
19:00 OtherSteve nice 🙂
19:00 DC-StevenMcGehee Would you guys be interested in the mission names, checkpoint names, and objectives? or is that too specific? I took some notes 🙂
19:00 Nicktheman the chat system cut me off
19:00 d-ray thanks for the conversation about teh game guys u really cleared up alotta info…i gotta go hope to see u online PSN newman_haha take care night =]
19:00 Nicktheman everytime i do > <
19:01 Nicktheman nvm i cant type it it cuts me off haha
19:01 MrE stevenm i would like to hear some if it’s ok
19:01 DC-StevenMcGehee Thanks d-ray, contact me if I can answer anything more for you.
19:01 OtherSteve Weird Nick
19:01 DC-StevenMcGehee d’oh, missed him 🙂
19:01 Diddydanyer
19:01 Diddydansteven give some of the notes plz
19:02 DC-StevenMcGehee Ok, cool. Well, here we go. Spoiler Alert 😛
19:02 Diddydanlol
19:02 Nicktheman What was the last good game you played on the PS3 b4 this Steven?
19:02 OtherSteve We’re planning all HD coverage of E3 this year guys… free. So even though you have no idea who we are now, you should recognize us soon hopefully 😀
19:02 DC-StevenMcGehee So, first mission, Corinith River (7 Parts)
19:02 Diddydancool
19:02 DC-StevenMcGehee Nick, hrm. I hate drawing blanks 🙂
19:02 algorithman let me gues its by a river?
19:03 Diddydanlol
19:03 Nicktheman lol alright well. did you enjoy mgs4?
19:03 MrE littlebigplanet?
19:03 Diddydanguys let steven type his notes
19:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Havne’t completed MGS4, and not all that into LBP actually
19:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Corinith River (7 Parts) .. parts being Checkpoints.
19:03 Nicktheman well than let me ask u this, did you prefer it over R2?
19:03 kobefancam I’m on mgs4 last level
19:03 Nicktheman ok go ahead sorry.
19:03 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, np at all.
19:04 algorithman i heard r1 was better
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -The New Sun – Drop onto Helghan (Meet Garza/Rico/Evelyn, hear about being assigned to Narville…see Templar, too), StA52 and RPG avail
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -Name of checkpoint- objective- possibly a note of interest
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -Corinith Sands – Resistance makes team and convoy halt short of LZ (Beach landing and clear)
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -Stahl Arms Warehouse – Sev and Garza have to battle through alone to open Floodgates to get convoy moving again (hardest part, nice explosions)
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -Verdran Overlook East – Convoy rolling, Sev hurries to keep up.
19:04 DC-StevenMcGehee -Convoy safe, Sev/Garza have to get to other side of canal or get left behind.
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee -Verdran Overlook West – Convoy bogged down, Sev/Garza have to neutralize an ambush and strongholds
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee -Korovis Dam – Alpha Team reunited, but under fire from barracks and tanks.
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee That’s mission 1 🙂
19:05 MrE woah
19:05 algorithman u type fast
19:05 Diddydanpretty cool
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee Took 1h6m on Veteran.
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee 😉 magic of pasting.
19:05 Diddydanwow 1 mission
19:05 DC-StevenMcGehee Any questions or anything, or just post mission 2 stuff?
19:05 MrE man, you really are hardcore, with these notes, lol
19:05 algorithman oh lol
19:06 algorithman i know i know some people who could tpye crazy fast so it thout u one too
19:06 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, well thanks, the game actually is nice about providing summaries of mission and checkpoints when you go to mission select. I didn’t make these notes while playing.
19:06 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, I’m not bad if I know what I want to say, but not that fast hehe.
19:06 MrE oh lol, well still
19:07 Diddydanwait who are u again garza?
19:07 algorithman what should i eat while i play, pizza nuggets or what
19:07 Nicktheman wow. I heard the demo is the 1st level. You think its the entire thing? Thats a long demo :S
19:07 Diddydanno one knows what the demo is officaly yet
19:07 MrE lol
19:07 DC-StevenMcGehee You’re Sev. His name is longer than that, but you’re basically a grunt. Garza is a sergeant I believe, he may be in a vid out there, but he has a goatee and carries an M82. He runs around with you for a good part of the first half of the game.
19:07 Nicktheman Guerilla has stated its the 1st level. Not sure if its the entire thing though,
19:07 DC-StevenMcGehee Don’t know Nick, haven’t heard anything on it :-
19:08 DC-StevenMcGehee Cool, well that’d be fairly generous of them, so good deal.
19:08 algorithman will killzone 3 come out for this generatin console?
19:08 DC-StevenMcGehee I bet it will.
19:09 Diddydannick thats incorrect
19:09 nssdigitalchumps In Sony’s world, the PS3 is very young.
19:09 algorithman what wat is you job really
19:09 Diddydanguerilla hasnt stated anything on what the demo will have yet
19:09 algorithman do you help with the game or just play / test it
19:09 OtherSteve We haven’t seen anything officially on demo plans for what it’s worth
19:09 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, primarily just a reviewer. I have a day job 🙂
19:09 Diddydanunless you can prove me wrong i stand by that
19:09 OtherSteve all we know is that US gamers who preorder get it on the 2nd of Feb
19:10 Diddydan5th
19:10 Nicktheman I have a gfaqs account and there have been numerous topics providing links to guerrillas statement
19:10 OtherSteve Yes, we all have day jobs at the moment–but we hope to do this full time in the future, as it’s our dream. 🙂
19:10 OtherSteve Nick, awesome, I missed that then!
19:10 Diddydanthe demo codes go out on 2nd if you preordered on internet
19:10 algorithman why cant the us get the cool lookin cover with the big helgan face
19:10 algorithman they gave it to the EU
19:10 algorithman to EU
19:10 Nicktheman ill try to find a link
19:10 Nicktheman but it was a long time ago
19:10 algorithman *US
19:11 MrE stevenm do you have more notes still?
19:11 Diddydannick there hasnt been any confirmation
19:11 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah quite a few about the other five missions; I can throw them out if you guys want.
19:11 algorithman kkk
19:11 DC-StevenMcGehee -Blood Meridian (7 Parts) (Mission 2)
19:11 Diddydansome guerilla people have said that there may be multiplayer but they cant say
19:12 DC-StevenMcGehee -Landing Zone 33 – Alpha Team lands near Visari Square and need to get to Narville to report for orders (D-Charges introduced)
19:12 kobefancam I thought that was the us cover, what does the us one look like
19:12 DC-StevenMcGehee -Dakurol Alley – Alpha Team splits up with Sev/Garza taking detour through main alleys (Knifing Helghan with Sta11 SMG introduced)
19:12 Diddydanbut no one has said that it is 100% only singleplayer
19:12 DC-StevenMcGehee -Heavy Canal – Sev/Garza fight past heavy weapons troopers (first Heavy fight is here)
19:12 Nicktheman guess we’ll know on feb 5th.
19:12 OtherSteve

19:12 DC-StevenMcGehee -Wollan’s View – The ISA and Helghast forces come face to face in this area, CQB style).
19:12 DC-StevenMcGehee -Verudan Alley – Helghast fiercely defend approach on Arc Tower
19:12 Diddydanyer
19:13 DC-StevenMcGehee -Cableway Heights – Arc Tower close, ISA needs to secure and destroy them
19:13 DC-StevenMcGehee -Cableway Rooftops – Sev/Garza must destroy Arc Towers under heavy fire. (ATAC gets them running).
19:13 DC-StevenMcGehee And that’s mission 2.
19:13 algorithman steve that cover doesnt look familiar
19:13 Diddydanyer i know
19:13 algorithman and ive been on killzone.com
19:13 Diddydannever seen that one before
19:13 OtherSteve It may be an old one then, let me look and see if I can find it in the press site.
19:13 OtherSteve Or even fake? :p
19:13 OtherSteve One sec, I’ll check.
19:13 algorithman yes that
19:14 DC-StevenMcGehee I thought Sony Blog posted that Helghan boxart a couple of days ago when they announced KZ2 went gold?
19:14 kobefancam it doesn’t look bad, but I prefer the eu one.
19:14 MrE thanks stevenm awesome notes
19:14 Diddydani thought it was the one with the helghan face and the people infront for the us
19:14 DC-StevenMcGehee And it ws us.playstation.com so I thought we were getting the Helghan boxart? hm
19:14 Diddydanand a huge helghan face for EU
19:14 Nicktheman alright well cya guys later. thanks for answering questions
19:14 algorithman how comes only 8 people knw about this ‘chat’
19:14 Nicktheman cya guys
19:14 Diddydancya
19:14 algorithman later
19:14 Diddydansteven have u got a PSN?
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee thanks guys
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee np Nick
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee http://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/01/21/killzone-2-has-gone-gold/
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee There’s the box art.
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee I do, but KoKimura
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee er, it’s not ‘but’
19:15 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee Being our first chat, for as small as we are, on a Friday night.. we’re pretty happy with 8 🙂
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee or 6
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee 🙂
19:16 algorithman thats for US?
19:16 OtherSteve Thanks Steven, yes, that is the official pack shot
19:16 OtherSteve I just confirmed it myself as well.
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee yeah I’m confident it is, it’s on the US PS Blog
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee Also has the ESRB rating, not the EU rating system
19:16 DC-StevenMcGehee Which would say like 18+
19:17 DC-StevenMcGehee Instead of M
19:17 OtherSteve Yeah, that’s another giveaway. Not sure what that earlier one I posted was, though it could have been a mockup for retail possibly.
19:17 nssdigitalchumps They drop the F-bomb in there a few times.
19:17 Diddydanso wait staven can u say ur PSN?
19:17 DC-StevenMcGehee Say it?
19:17 Diddydantell us?
19:17 OtherSteve he means can you provide yours 😉
19:17 DC-StevenMcGehee Hah, yeah they curse quite a bit in the game. It’s pretty embarassing really because it’s over-used.
19:18 DC-StevenMcGehee Oh, sure. It’s Kokimura
19:18 Diddydanmind if i add u?
19:18 algorithman embarrasing….steriootypical Cole train in gears is embarrasing
19:18 DC-StevenMcGehee That’s cool, sure.
19:18 algorithman u have gamertag?
19:18 Diddydanmaybe we can play K2 together some time
19:18 DC-StevenMcGehee Heh, yeah I was thinking Cole Train was probably partially inspired from Rico from KZ 1.
19:19 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, maybe so 🙂 .. I need to play MP quite a bit this week and next for the review, but I have to tell you, I’m more of a campaign guy or local co-op person 🙂
19:19 algorithman do the game have puppys?
19:19 DC-StevenMcGehee I also play quite a few consoles, especially retro ones, which is why I struggled to think of the last PS3 game I sat down and played through.
19:19 DC-StevenMcGehee No puppies, I assume you mean like the Helghan attack dogs in KZ: Liberation
19:20 DC-StevenMcGehee None of those, which is kind of a shame 🙂
19:20 algorithman i wann kill them 🙁
19:20 DC-StevenMcGehee Mission 3 notes anyone? 😛
19:20 nssdigitalchumps I’ll take them
19:20 nssdigitalchumps oh snap.
19:20 algorithman spoiler please
19:20 Diddydanthere are spiders and other animals tho
19:20 DC-StevenMcGehee lol
19:20 algorithman ur lying
19:21 Diddydanno
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee True — there is a spider and some big bugs.
19:21 algorithman what giraffes?
19:21 Diddydanid give u a link but i forgot where it was
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee The bugs dont’ do anything, they look like basic roaches.
19:21 Diddydanguerilla confirmed it aswell
19:21 algorithman helghan roaches?
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee The spiders to attack. You’ll first run into those in mission 6.
19:21 nssdigitalchumps stupid monkies
19:21 Diddydanno they said there was like spiders that attack and stuff
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee Well, they’re not like recruited or trained by the Helghast 🙂
19:21 OtherSteve The Monkies are a band
19:21 Diddydanyer
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee They just happen to be around 🙂
19:21 OtherSteve I believe you mean monkeys :p
19:21 OtherSteve hehe
19:21 DC-StevenMcGehee You don’t see many of these bugs at all though
19:21 algorithman i thought i saw a helghan with jet pack…they have flying helghans?
19:22 nssdigitalchumps this is why I don’t write about monkeys
19:22 algorithman lol
19:22 nssdigitalchumps I cannot properly give anyone more than one.
19:22 DC-StevenMcGehee In KZ: Liberation yes, but no I don’t recall any in the campaign. No there are ATACs, these badass flying robots with chain guns.
19:22 DC-StevenMcGehee No = Now
19:22 algorithman but i saw them on killzone.com
19:22 algorithman ohh
19:22 DC-StevenMcGehee You’ll go face to face with an ATAC at the end of mission 5
19:23 Diddydanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZsoxoAA-U8&feature=related
19:23 MrE awesome, was it tough
19:23 Diddydannew vid up in bottum
19:23 DC-StevenMcGehee It’s kind of a boss moment, your team (conveniently ) gets cut off from you, hehe
19:23 MrE nice
19:23 DC-StevenMcGehee And you’ll fight more ATACs later, probably about a dozen more total. With the electric gun, they’re a snap. Otherwise, ouch.
19:23 DC-StevenMcGehee And you do not have the electric gun in mission 5 🙂
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee So yeah mission 3, real quick 🙂 … feel free to ask about anything of course..
19:24 MrE cool
19:24 algorithman y smle?
19:24 algorithman dats bad
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -Visari Square (5 Parts)
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -Prefect’s Office – Garza goes to meet with Narville, Sev aids ISA on way to finding Rico and Natko.
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -Malik Back Alleys – Behind Prefect’s office is a back alley that leads to the downed Intruder site.
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -Ostoja End – Rico/Natko are under attack by downed Intruder, Sev needs to get there and help.
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -Union Storage Yard – Sev reaches them, heavy attack. (LMG here) (heavy battle)
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee -The Square – Alpha Team manages to reach Visari Square just in time ISA’s assault on the Square. (Defend square).
19:24 DC-StevenMcGehee And that’s it.
19:24 algorithman 🙂
19:25 algorithman do you watch G4TV?
19:25 OtherSteve I did when it was about videogames 😀
19:25 DC-StevenMcGehee I don’t actually. Feels too forced/corporate.
19:25 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:25 algorithman It still is ….sometimes
19:25 algorithman damn i hate cops marathon 🙁
19:25 OtherSteve lol
19:25 OtherSteve Yeah, they’ve got a lot of cops on these days
19:25 DC-StevenMcGehee I get enough RSS feeds and frankly a lot of times I’m playing much older games than what they talk about 🙂
19:26 Diddydang4tv reviews suck
19:26 algorithman i hate adam sessle
19:26 algorithman me thinks he gay
19:26 Diddydanlol
19:26 OtherSteve I think we have some fantastic reviewers here on our site if I do say so myself.
19:26 DC-StevenMcGehee Ha, he’s kind of annoying. I saw him in person when he and Morgan were filming at E3 07 (I didn’t go to 08 like OS here… 😛 )
19:26 algorithman donyou?
19:26 algorithman Kristen holt YAY
19:27 Diddydandid u say hi?
19:27 OtherSteve E3 08 was small, kind of sad.
19:27 OtherSteve But this year should be awesome.
19:27 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah I remember you guys talking about that when you got back. Can’t wait for this year though.
19:27 OtherSteve McGehee still recalls 2006 and before when we all went together
19:27 OtherSteve we’ve been doing this for a while under other sites 🙂
19:27 Diddydancool
19:27 DC-StevenMcGehee Most def; 06 was nice, but man I honestly liked that 07 format, those shuttles were really efficient and the reduced crowd was helpful.
19:27 algorithman im hydralicious
19:27 Diddydanu guys go get drunk together
19:28 Diddydanlol
19:28 OtherSteve You should have seen our hotel in 2006, lol, it was scary small
19:28 DC-StevenMcGehee Diddy, hah no 🙂
19:28 Diddydanahh
19:28 OtherSteve algorithman, be proud of your shampoo 😀
19:28 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah, Ritz Milner, lol.
19:28 OtherSteve hehe
19:28 OtherSteve This year we’re in the Holiday Inn, so that’s good
19:28 algorithman i am..:(.
19:28 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah you sniped that hotel room in record time.
19:28 OtherSteve hehe
19:29 OtherSteve

19:29 Diddydanu guys know if there gonna make E3 public again ever?
19:29 OtherSteve Diddy, they had discussed it this year
19:29 nssdigitalchumps We go to every E3
19:29 nssdigitalchumps 🙂
19:29 OtherSteve but apparently it wasn’t in the cards.
19:29 nssdigitalchumps They’ll never do public
19:29 nssdigitalchumps too big already
19:29 Diddydanahh cause i always wanted to go to E3
19:30 OtherSteve Diddy, in the future our site will be holding contests to take a reader
19:30 OtherSteve at least, we plan to
19:30 algorithman why cant i copy/past a link to this chat bar
19:30 OtherSteve Stick around, you might travel with us some time 🙂
19:30 Diddydancool
19:30 algorithman help
19:30 OtherSteve algorithman, you should be able to
19:30 OtherSteve It works for me
19:30 algorithman i cant wont let me paste
19:30 OtherSteve Try right-clicking in the box and choose “Paste”
19:30 OtherSteve ” Paste”
19:30 OtherSteve if it doesn’t work try copying again
19:31 algorithman cant right click i have MAC i hate it
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee Hm, yeah it’s worked earlier in this chat, should take it. Maybe the link is too long, but it should tell you that.
19:31 OtherSteve hehe
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:31 algorithman it has a glass lookin mouse with one click button ALL OVER THE MOUSE
19:31 OtherSteve Well there’s your problem 😀
19:31 OtherSteve Just ask NSS here.
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee nss is a Mac guy too. He may know something helpful 🙂
19:31 algorithman yeah but i usually use edit at the top then paste
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee He had a lot more hair before getting that first Mac.
19:31 OtherSteve lmao
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee Apple Key+V ?
19:31 algorithman lol it IS stressful
19:31 DC-StevenMcGehee That may do it.
19:32 DC-StevenMcGehee haha
19:32 nssdigitalchumps what?
19:32 nssdigitalchumps What’s the problem?
19:32 OtherSteve rofl
19:32 algorithman i dont trust you
19:32 OtherSteve roflcopter
19:32 DC-StevenMcGehee How the F do you paste with a one button mouse?
19:32 DC-StevenMcGehee 🙂
19:32 nssdigitalchumps I’m a Final Cut Pro Trainer
19:32 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:32 algorithman EDIT u clik it
19:32 nssdigitalchumps Control-Click is the right click
19:32 algorithman i dunno ask the geniuses that produced MAC
19:32 nssdigitalchumps Xerox?
19:32 OtherSteve lol
19:32 OtherSteve here we go
19:33 nssdigitalchumps what?>
19:33 OtherSteve kidding 😉
19:33 nssdigitalchumps Apple and Microsoft stole Xerox’s idea
19:33 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:33 DC-StevenMcGehee The Helghast then stole that and well.. you know where that led.
19:33 DC-StevenMcGehee To three games in 5 years *******!
19:33 nssdigitalchumps Xerox’s dumb idea for not patenting Windows.
19:33 DC-StevenMcGehee haha jk
19:33 nssdigitalchumps lol
19:33 OtherSteve Speaking of which
19:33 Diddydanu can paste easy
19:33 OtherSteve Anyone interested in more mission notes?
19:33 algorithman

19:33 OtherSteve Stevenm’s got a notebook full here.
19:33 algorithman i typed it out 🙁
19:33 DC-StevenMcGehee Yeah I got’em ready to go.

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