Devil May Cry: The Animated Series (The Complete Collection)

Devil May Cry:  The Animated Series  (The Complete Collection)

Born of a dubious parentage (or should that be nefarious?), Dante makes a living investigating and destroying demonic forces that manage to force their way into our reality.  Fortunately for the veiwer, this entire series is a collection of brief but spirited fights colored with Dante’s typical style, flair, and grim humor.  Unfortunately for Dante, it’s hard to pay the pay the bills when you find yoursef deeper in debt wiht every destroyed bridge, finder’s fee, and doctor bill.

The characters in the series are transparent in motivation, but enjoyable to watch, with several favorites from the game series making prominent appearances which help to retain the feel of the game univers, while allowing for a more ‘normal’ day-to-day.  (In fact, the voice actor for the english dub is the same as in most of the Devil May Cry video games, just for that added continuity factor.)

With a classic art style that pays loyal homage to its gaming origins, this series loses no time in recreating the excellent and entertaining fighting choreography and flourishing movement that garnered it such attention in the gaming world, without the added pain of random battles and unnecessary puzzle-solving and confusing camera angles!