Assassin’s Creed possesses one of the most intriguing, appealing blueprints in gaming. The series has had many bedrock entries supporting the we...[Read More]
Nestled between the hills, mountains and valleys of Montana lies Hope County; a place that bodes familiarity, yet trickles with evil and chaos in its ...[Read More]
Far Cry 5 is introducing “Far Cry Arcade”, a sort-of replacement for the map editors of previous Far Cry entries. With my time at the recent Far Cry 5...[Read More]
What struck me in my first moments in the open Montana wilderness of Far Cry 5 was how at-home I felt. No, it wasn’t the occupation of Eden’s Gate thr...[Read More]
This may sound a bit crazy at first, but my first hour playing For Honor gave me an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Seeing as many of For Honor’s ele...[Read More]