Darker Than Black – vol 2

Darker Than Black – vol 2

In this second volume of the series, the character of Hei (Messier code BK 201, the Black Reaper) really begins to exhibit obvious abnormal behavior for a Contractor. We still don’t know, or haven’t seen, what his Price is, despite frequent use of his power, and the team he operates with seems not to notice these strange circumstances. Operating under their grouchy handler, the team takes orders from a mysterious syndicate and they go where ordered…generally.

Police Section-Chief of Foreign Affairs, Misaki Kirihara, is still doing her best to work with astrometrics to track down BK-201 and halt the growing number of dead bodies in her city. Still, despite her (very well-placed) mistrust of outside agencies she must cooperate with on Contractor matters, she is still just an average person at heart, who was and always is able to overlook social differences between her friends and herself. However, sometimes those friends aren’t able to muster the same worldview…

We are also introduced to a new regular character who operates well within the normal levels of society as a private detective: Gai Kurosawa. (He picked the name out himself when he left the police force for the carefree world of a detective. I think he watches too much tv, and so does his assistant.) Our story arcs are also getting longer, spanning two episodes apiece. Each new arc also hints at the larger world our characters inhabit: from the strange mental effects the Hell Gate can have on those who near it (From regaining lost memories or powers, to seeing things that aren’t there), to the different levels possible when a normal mystery and an abnormal thief are in the same place at the same time, or the growing rifts that wedge schoolmates destined for different futures apart. Still, the one constant in each story is the anticipation of meeting new Contractors and discovering more about their private bargain with the world.

Yoko Kanno, as usual, does a masterful job with the music on this show and ramping the excitement level up to a constant buzz. The art is fantastic and flawless, also to be expected.

Episodes on this disc:

EP-006: Red Giant over Eastern Europe… (Part 2)

EP-007: The Scent of Gardenias Lingers in the Summer Rain… (Part 1)

EP-008: The Scent of Gardenias Lingers in the Summer Rain… (Part 2)

EP-009: The White Dress, Stained with the Girl’s Dreams and Blood… (Part 1)

EP-010: The White Dress, Stained with the Girl’s Dreams and Blood… (Part 2)