Born in East L.A.

Born in East L.A.
Born in East L.A.
Release Date:, Genre:Rating:

A comedy focusing on an American citizen that gets deported because he is of Mexican descent. The movie starts out with Rudy, the American of Mexican descent eating breakfast with his family. He finds out he has to go pick up a family friend who only speaks Spanish after he gets off work. Rudy works in a factory that makes stuffed animals for children and the factory gets raided and Rudy gets deported because they think he is an undocumented immigrant. Rudy has no way of proving that he is indeed an American citizen because he has lost his wallet in the midst of the factory raid. The first scenes were easy to follow and started to explain the storyline but was still a bit confusing and had characters in the movies that seemed random.

The middle of the movie focuses on Rudy getting out of Mexico. He tries sneaking in a van with a couple that are smuggling drugs across the border but fails because the drug dog smells the car. He tries running through mountains but also fails. He also tries to create a bush and where it while walking through the mountain but then gets caught and is taken back. Rudy doesn’t give up but realizes the only way he will be able to get out of Mexico is by paying the price so he starts to work and make money. These scenes were okay, Rudy trying to escape was funny because he added humor to the scenes but it also seemed repetitive.

The last part of the movie Rudy falls in love and showcases his big heart he has. After working for his money to pay to get back into the United States he sees a woman begging to get on the truck because her husband and family were already in the states and Rudy decides to give his spot on the truck to this woman and pay for her spot as well. In the end, Rudy and his friends end up making it back into America and return back to their lives. Overall the movie was okay. I say okay because it seemed repetitive in areas and also sometimes confusing with the storyline and added humor throughout it.


The video was created as a Blu-Ray film and the quality was great, especially since it is an 80’s movie on a DVD.


Audio on the Blu-Ray is presented in DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. The dialogue and sound effects all sounded really good throughout the movie and were very consistent.

Special Features:

These features add a special touch to the film. Because it is an 80’s movie that was created into a DVD it is nice to have videos of conversations with the different actors to hear their thoughts.

-Audio Commentary with Cheech Marin and Film Historian Marc Edward Heauck

Waas Sappening? A conversation with Cheech Marin

Who You Calling Stupid? A conversation with Paul Rodriguez

What is Disco Bunnies? A conversation with Kamala Lopez

-Extended Television Cut of “Born in East L.A.”

-Still Gallery

-Productions Notes


