Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Shout Factory releases it's newest Steel Book series: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. A fantastic treatment for those who don't already own the double feature set previously released.

Release Date:Genre:, Rating:Developed By:Publisher:

“Wyld Stallyns couldn’t drag you away from this EXCELLENT ADVENTURE!

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure finds our non-heinous heroes (Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves) in danger of flunking history – a most odious proposition! But when the righteous Rufus (George Carlin) arrives in a time-traveling phone booth, the dense dudes discover their destiny … and call on the past’s biggest names for help!”

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure is the quintessential 80’s movie, filled with heart and charm. Thanks to the nostalgia-driven mentality of our culture nowadays, it’s appropriate that today it was announced that the third movie is officially happening, much to the excitement of fans like me who have only dreamed of another adventure from Bill and Ted. The series has earned a place in pop-culture, earning a place in time-traveling canon as one of the most recognizable time-traveling vehicles save for the Delorian.

Trying to express the reasons why I have always loved these films leaves me in a bit of a quandary. They aren’t groundbreaking in any way, and they don’t bring anything new to the genre, but these characters embody the most noble and humble parts of humanity. Although they may seem to be surfer/rocker airheads that don’t have a clue about the world around them, it’s the innocence about them that is the most appealing. Bill S. Preston Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan don’t even know how to properly play guitar, but find out that their music inspires world peace, ending hunger, war, and allowing harmony to reign throughout the cosmos. As I try to envision this film without this destiny that they are set upon, I don’t think it would hold the same weight as it does. These guys are about to flunk history, not having the slightest clue about any of the material, and travel through time to learn about figures in history. By itself, that may seem rather simplistic, but the fact that it’s these guys who bring about a utopia brings it to an entirely new level, both comically and philosophically.

As far as this new set goes; there is a sub-culture out there who is obsessed with Steel Books. Shout Factory’s announcement of their Steel Book series which encompasses several different films by different directors is sure to stoke the fire of those people, and the chance to own a Steel Book for Bill Ted’s Excellent Adventure is a no-brainer. For us mere mortals who don’t have as much stock in that as these others, I question as why this doesn’t include the sequel, which was readily available a year ago in ShoutFactory’s double feature set including both. There isn’t anything new on the disc, just the packaging. Fans of the films like myself jumped immediately on the chance to own these, so double dipping for the packaging will be a personal choice.

As I’ve discovered with most things from the 80’s, sometimes it’s something you just have to grow up with. I’ve seen films nowadays that I didn’t see back then that were recommended to me that I felt didn’t hold up to the test of time. This may be one of them if any reader hasn’t seen it. You can’t narrow down this genre to time-travel, or comedy, it’s a weird mixture of both that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling every time I watch it, and I guarantee it’s not for everyone. That being said, if said viewer is reading this, I implore you to have an open mind, give it a chance, turn off your brain and open your heart to an amazing story of two best friends that have stood the test of time with their simple philosophy that changes the world: “Be excellent to each other” and “Party on Dudes!”.


Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Is presented in 1080p High Definition Widescreen 2.35:1. The transfer seems to be the same as the original Shout Select release, which looks very good. Despite the age, the print looks exceptionally clear, with little to no defects noticed throughout. Grain is kept at a manageable level, with very clear and well-balanced colors that make this look as though it was filmed yesterday.


The audio is presented in DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1. The track is exceptional as well, giving a phenomenal presentation of both dialogue and music. The balance between dialogue and the soundtrack is well done, and for a film about music that brings about world peace, it sounds great.

Special Features

The bonus features on the disc are the same as the set previously released by Shout, which are still very impressive if you don’t own the original set. If you do, you’re basically paying for the packaging as I said, but for some the Steel Book is all that matters.

  • Audio Commentaries With Actor Alex Winter, Producer Scott Kroopf And Screenwriters Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon.
  • Time Flies When You Are Having Fun! – A Look Back At A Most “Excellent Adventure.” Featuring Interviews with Actors Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves, Producer Scott Kroopf, Composer David Newman, Supporting Actors Dan Shor, Rod Loomis, Clifford David, Al Leong, Terry Camilleri And Jane Wiedlin, Speacial Make-Up Effects Designer Kevin Yagher And More
  • Theatrical Trailer

It’s an exciting time for Bill & Ted fans. Great treatments of the films and the announcement of the third film in production. In all honesty, unless you are one of those die-hard Steel Book fans, pick up the double feature collection instead with both films. I for one will have no problem showing off both sets in my collection as I anxiously await what’s in store for these two excellent dudes for the third film.


  • Great Packaging.
  • Great Treatment of a Great Film.


  • Double feature with both films previously released.
