Kukoos: Lost Pets (Kukoos) is an incredibly charming 3D-platformer that is available NOW on multiple platforms, including the Switch. Developed by PetitFabrik, a Brazilian indie dev team, Kukoos enters a category of games already dominated by the likes of classics like Mario, Kirby, Crash Bandicoot, and Spyro. How does this indie title fare? Honestly? It’s pretty okay, especially for a brand...[Read More]
If you’re looking for a good movie to watch on Black Friday while you recover during the holiday halftime that exists between Thanksgiving and Christmas, look no further than Snatch. Guy Ritchie is known for many movies, but rarely do I see folks praise his directing and screenwriting of this 2001 classic about a diamond heist gone horribly, horribly wrong. When I first saw this film in 2009...[Read More]
Earlier this year, we reviewed Sifu on the PS4. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read Steven’s review, here’s a short summary (although I must recommend you read his thoughts, too): Sifu is delightfully difficult, putting players through a gauntlet of emotions spanning frustration to excitement. As a martial arts game, it blends roguelike gameplay loops with souls-like comba...[Read More]
Communication is key in all relationships: Friendships, close romantic partners, and family members. Being on the same page through effective communication ensures that all parties in a communication transaction end up with the communication outcome they desire without feeling slighted, misunderstood, and/or belittled. If you’ve read this far and thought, Gee, this sounds like an Interperson...[Read More]
There needs to be more turn-based tactical RPGs for the PC. There, I said it. Nintendo has created a name for itself with Fire Emblem, Square Enix dabbled in Final Fantasy Tactics (with varying degrees of success), Nippon Ichi’s Disgaea series have been mostly hits. But…so few of these titles are available on the PC, assuming they make their way to North America at all. When I think ba...[Read More]
The Nintendo Switch (or any of Nintendo’s consoles, really) lacks story-driven games that change based on your choices. When you think of a deep and meaningful graphic adventure, you may immediately think of Batman: The Telltale Series, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, or even Detroit: Become Human. All of these games have a home on the PC and other consoles. Sony, in particular, has succeeded in r...[Read More]
The world is a desolate wasteland with little energy sources. As part of a mining team called Studio Tsuruhashi, you’re tasked with directing a bunny-shaped mining frame mech to explore the depths of the world, dig up crystals and find rare matter. This is the crux of Ground Divers!, out now on the Nintendo Switch. If you were a fan of Dig Dug, this game is an interesting complement rather t...[Read More]
Have you felt that your life so far has been a giant toot? Have you been needing a change from the big city life? Does farming and monster collecting sound good to you? Can you bust a move? If you’ve answered at least one of these questions with YES, or perhaps a …maybe…, then I highly recommend you consider Ooblets, which…*checks notes*…IS ALSO ON THE NINTENDO SWITCH...[Read More]
We here at Digital Chumps are big fans of classic game collections, be it Street Fighter, Disney’s library, Ninja Gaiden, Command & Conquer, to even Space Invaders. Each of us here at Digital Chumps exist because of these “classic games” that pulled us to a console or computer and booted it up to play our nights away. All this considered, we become quite selfishly excited wh...[Read More]
Several days had passed while I was out crusading in the name of The One Who Waits. My followers had patiently waited for my return, praying at my altar, tending to my crops, and keeping my land clean. As I returned with heretics, my cult rejoiced my successful crusade, praising me with gifts and well wishes. However, one little follower, a fish by the name of Hettle, drew my attention as he ran u...[Read More]
Chumps Preview is a special kind of post where we unofficially preview games in Early Access, Beta, or are otherwise “unfinished.” This kind of preview is meant to be a first impression rather than a definite review where we provide a rating to determine a game’s value. As such, we fully expect a game covered in a Chumps Preview to have rome for improvement, some bugginess, and o...[Read More]
The days of loitering at my local arcade/pizza parlor, spending my parent’s spare change on the likes of Galaga, Teenage Mutant Turtles, and Street Fighter, may be numbered. As a 30-year-old, arcades are a relic of a bygone era of simpler, shorter, and more difficult gaming, one where the purpose of inserting quarters into a machine was to get a top score in the arcade cabinet’s leader...[Read More]