“Seth MacFarlane’s hit space adventure series, THE ORVILLE, returns for more journeys into new worlds. Set 400 years in the future, the series follows the U.S.S. Orville, a mid-level exploratory spaceship. Its crew, both human and alien, face the wonders and dangers of outer space, while also dealing with the problems of everyday life.” Seth MacFarlane doesn’t keep it a secret he absolutely loves ...[Read More]
The Simpsons fans just can’t catch a break. If it’s not the Disney+ handling of the series, which doesn’t give the original aspect ratio option for the first nineteen seasons of the show, cutting off and obscuring jokes, stretching out the picture to an unnatural level with no way to remedy the problem, it’s the extraordinary long wait to own them on DVD, for seemingly no real rhyme or reason. The...[Read More]