Ricardo Trejo-Castro

Impressions – Hardcorps: Uprising

I haven’t heard anything coming from Konami in a long while about a new Contra game since their awesome return to the series back with Contra 4; that was until last month when I first heard wind of their latest entry in the franchise, Hardcorps: Uprising. Despite not having the Contra moniker in front of it it is still a Contra game at heart, and from what I played during my time with its de...[Read More]

Impressions – Bionic Commando ReArmed 2

Ever since Bionic Commando ReArmed was released by Grin almost two years ago I’ve been wanting a sequel to get me back into that nostalgic realm of side scrolling. I mean, there’s just something about not being able to jump and having to use your grapple hook to get from place to place that makes you think strategically about your every move. Alas, Bionic Commando ReArmed 2 has surface...[Read More]

Impressions – Lost in Shadow

  Nintendo has gotten more attention this E3 than any they’ve gotten in recent memory, and so all eyes have been firmly set on their first party games; games like Zelda, Donkey Kong, and Kid Icarus. So it’s no wonder that when I came across a small Hudson station featuring their latest Wii creation, Lost in Shadow, there was no crowd there – just a couple of wandering souls trying to f...[Read More]

Impressions – Nintendo 3DS

All eyes were on Nintendo when CEO Satoru Iwata picked up the newly unveiled 3DS during their press conference. It looked like a regular old DS, but with this crazy feature of being able to output 3D images without the need of those goofy glasses that are all the rage right now. So after waiting nearly 3 hours to get my hands on one of the newest items to hit the show floor, I finally had my shot ...[Read More]

Impressions – Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1

If I were to honestly say what I’ve been thinking about Sonic 4 after watching all the trailers leading up to E3, being completely honest with myself, I’d say that this game is a lost cause. It’s an earnest attempt on Sega’s part to win back older fans of the series, but ultimately it’s a fool’s errand. So today when I finally got a chance to sit down with the g...[Read More]

Motion Controls – A New Standard

When the Wii was first unveiled, and the Wiimote shortly thereafter, I was enticed with Nintendo’s promise of a revolution. Little did I know that that revolution would have little to do with me, the loyal lifelong gamer, and have more to do with the player who hadn’t picked up a controller in decades, or even those who never picked one up in their entire lives. This “revolution&...[Read More]

How the 3DS Represents Nintendo

When you think of Nintendo what comes to mind? Is it the originality in their mascots; the range of players they reach; or is it their continued focus on innovation? I like to think it’s all three. Whether it’s the fifth million Mario game that never fails to disappoint, or the Dual Screen handheld that took the world by storm – Nintendo shapes the gaming landscape with each and every idea that co...[Read More]