Heads up, MST3K fans: Volume XVII is already here!
But I love it. Since this is a spoiler-free zone I am forbidden from saying more. But what I will say are a few words of my impressions of Mega Man 10 after spending around three hours with it today and beating all eight robot masters. In no particular order: Love the new enemy ideas, such as: The Mettaurs which shoot the sticky goo crap at you in Pump Man’s level ...[Read More]
Get your Japanese on.
Sadly, this is in every way the weakest entry in the Monkey Ball series to date.
NINTENDO REVEALS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE LINEUP FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 2010 Nintendo Announces Launch Dates for Nintendo DSi XL,Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 24, 2010 – Nintendo of America issued a surge of new information today about what consumers can expect from the company in the coming months. Let’s get right to it: The new Nintendo DSi XL™ hand-held system...[Read More]
Make no mistake about it; this is a massive game.
So I just got done resizing and posting a freaking ton of Mega Man 10 screenshots and art. You’ll find every weapon showcased, as well as a good number of level examples and even some stuff from challenge mode. I probably don’t need to tell you how excited I am about the Blue Bomber’s next venture, but then again, not everyone is probably as amused as I am by the fac...[Read More]
Fellow readers, I loves me some Mega Man, and you've no idea how terribly difficult (yet possible... AHEM) I found it to keep quiet after having witnessed the new bosses back at CES a month ago. Having said that, we never really got a great look at the rest of the game's environments or the various weaponry that the bosses begot (yes, it's a word, I just looked it up smartass). So in light of tha...[Read More]
Get your stuff on.
Just when you thought your ESET installation could heuristically protect you against most internet threats, here comes a nasty little bug that actually invades freakin’ IRL. Fortunately, it makes for a pretty sweet NES throwback, and it’s none other than BLASTER MASTER: Overdrive, a remake of everyone’s favorite 8-bit Sunsoft venture. Ah, yes, the music already fills ...[Read More]
I was holding off on this video so that PR didn’t think we were out of our minds. Okay, so we are. But regardless, wouldn’t you have done the same thing? This is how we deal with the hooker pushers in Vegas: Smash Bros. BONUS: Which one of our responses did not come from Smash Bros? {hwdvs-player}977{/hwdvs-player} Yes, we are professional. SUPER PROFESSIONAL AND SERIOUS.
With great power comes great ass-kicking.