Boundless color and a heart of gold keep The Last Tinker from feeling too old.
Cold War Calamity
Surgeon Simulator, Bossa Studios' senseless facsimile of invasive surgery, has made its way to PlayStation 4.
Hohokum is rare and effective union of art, activity, and music. Games, even those with an open fondness of form above function, typically operate under a rigid designation of themes. Meaning is assigned wherever significance is found, but it wasn’t difficult to define the raw emotion that gave life to Journey, Everyday the Same Dream, or Where is My Heart. The creation and progression of an...[Read More]
Modern game re-releases follow a fairly predictable model. Often labeled Game of The Year Edition and frequently appearing well after an original release, they keep a higher price but buoy the original package with all of the post-release content. If you’re lucky you might also get some behind-the-scenes footage broadcasting insight into the development process – or you may receive som...[Read More]
The versatility of Dark Souls’ appeal is directly related to the adaptability of a strong willed player. The Crown of the Sunken King, Dark Souls II’s first issue of downloadable content, engenders and engages this philosophy as well as any challenge in the proper game. In a certain light The Crown of the Sunken King actually does it better, employing different constraints and driving ...[Read More]
Continuing our fine tradition of posting content months after it was created, Episode 77 is finally ready to be consumed via Internet web page. I took notes on my phone during production, apparently detailing the topics of conversation. They are as follows: phone gymnastics, tinder, grinder, eating weird animals, Transformers, Steve’s wife murdering a deer with a car while pregnant, being sa...[Read More]
Bounded bummer.
Have you ever stopped to consider how your gaming habits have changed over the years? We’re all slaves to our particular time and place (it’s nearly impossible, for example, to fairly judge the merits of a Genesis game with twenty years of acquired gaming experience on top of it), but interest in particular a style is subject to the same shifting trends as any other hobby. Games change...[Read More]
So good, we’ve reviewed it three different times.
Can you imagine how outlandish the world must feel to a toddler? The volume of information new human beings must absorb and cope with – not to mention the natural progression of brain development and basic motor functions – seems like a staggering effort. Everything is magic, and each day must feel like a contest to make sense out of each mystery. What if an exterior influence poisons ...[Read More]
Nature left a safe oasis and the monsters walked towards the forest.