Compromise seems to be an intrinsic facet of the PlayStation VR’s library. In most cases, the virtual reality experience has either been grafted onto an existing game or considered an optional component of a brand new one. Original experiences can often mirror an extended technology demonstration, absent of the vision and wherewithal of a traditional product. Few of these limitations affect ...[Read More]
Hi. Here are the ten best videogames from 2017 (these unofficially serve as DigitalChumps’ official picks until someone else on staff decides to do this): YAKUZA 0 Sega Yakuza 0 is an arena where young men test the limits of conformity by beating the living shit out of anyone standing near its boundaries. It’s a circuitous Japanese drama and an evolutionary branch of the beat ’em...[Read More]
Behind the eyes of its characters, Gorogoa is a wistful reflection of untaught imagination, the erosion of possibility, and the recovery of passion. For its player, Gorogoa is a mechanical exercise in shifting perspectives and a clever prompt for tests of logic. For its creator, Gorogoa is a five year journey through the perils of designing his first videogame. Three distinct narratives converge t...[Read More]
Gang Beasts is finally real. Boneloaf’s multiplayer fighting game exited its three year stay in early access and now appears on the PlayStation 4 (and a 1.0 release on PC). Playing Gang Beasts at parties over the last few years was easily came to define the personal term, “madcap rubber fighting friendly mayhem.” I hope to soon report this sentiment has carried over to the final ...[Read More]