Chris Barylick



Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Review

The Intro Crawl: First off, I’m a Star Wars geek. There’s no getting around it, I was born in 1977, The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie, my Lego Star Wars collection has grown steadily over the past 15 months, I camped outside the Uptown theater in Washington, D.C. for a collective three weeks before the release of the sequels, the eight collector’s grade lightsabers hanging on 3D-printed...[Read More]


TooManyGames Roars Back to Life After 2020 Pandemic Hiatus

The free black and green, classic Oregon Trail-style t-shirt I got upon entering the event said it all: TooManyGames 2020 has been cancelled. Which, of course, came as no surprise to anyone who slogged through the tornado-meets-a-dumpster-fire-meets-the-local-landfill-meets-the-local-oil-refinery-meets-the-local-community-center which was last year. TooManyGames (, long one of...[Read More]
