In my Diablo 2: Resurrected review, I lamented the lack of Diablo 2 in my gaming lexicon. Somehow I had eluded such a classic game for over 20 years but relished in the opportunity to play what I consider to be the best version of the title. Please forgive me dear reader, as I must confess to another egregious sin. Left 4 Dead and its sequel are equally massive gaps in my gaming knowledge. But per...[Read More]
There’s a joyous simplicity to Antonball Deluxe. If you’ve ever played a block or brick breaking game like Breakout, Arkanoid, or the hundreds of other permutations, you’ve sort of played Antonball Deluxe. There’s always a paddle of some sort at the edge of the screen, usually at the bottom. A ball drops, the paddle hits it, the ball jettisons upwards towards some blocks to...[Read More]
Pulling back on a compound bow and waiting with baited breath, I yearned for that distinct, satisfying Far Cry squelch as the arrow found purchase, lodging itself into the brain of an oppressive cog in the tyrannical machine. Dozens, if not hundreds of times, Far Cry 6 delivered that wet crunch as Dani rampaged through Yara like a rabid, murderous Robin Hood. Far Cry 6 also allowed me to pin a Yar...[Read More]
Before Metallic Child I had never considered playing an entire video game from the perspective of a security camera. No, this isn’t Watch Dogs. Unless I’m having a memory repressed where Marcus or Aiden observed and controlled a chibi robot girl as she battled against rogue AI in a space station that is slowly crashing into the Earth. Metallic Child reminds me of one of those strange n...[Read More]
Diablo 3 was my first Diablo game. I have never played Diablo 2. Let that color the rest of what I will say, if you wish. I won’t take it personally, promise. My personal anecdote for Diablo 2 is that one night when hanging out with a few friends in high school, two guys mentioned Diablo 2. I knew what the game was but the only Blizzard product I had touched was StarCraft. One of the guys me...[Read More]
Cassidy is a moderately normal young woman. She struggles with making a human connection. A tragic past event has put her guard up. Anxiety weakens her ability to communicate. And she can’t get a good night’s sleep. These days, though, who can? But Cassidy’s restless nights are plagued by a deadly dream world, twisted by her subconscious. In her dreams, her real world issues coag...[Read More]
There came a point in Garden Story after I had learned how to fish items out of the water, collect world lore, break rocks with a hammer, revitalize plants with dew, and survive a day/night cycle that the game taught me how to craft. Garden Story had introduced several wrinkles in its Link to the Past-like homage that it had become more than just a top-down action game. Not only was I in full-blow...[Read More]
In a year that has brought players Resident Evil Village and Little Nightmares II, it would be understandable that The Medium has lost some of its place in the horror spotlight. Released earlier this year exclusively on Xbox Series X/S and PC, Bloober Team’s foray into third-person horror suffered from being delayed as a launch title, out of the ravenous grasp of 2020’s holiday season....[Read More]
Once Alex Chen left her bus and stepped foot in the small Colorado town of Haven Springs, I clicked the touchpad on my DualSense, checking her phone. I was greeted to a cluster of text messages to a character I had never met from characters I had never met, many that I never would across Life is Strange: True Colors‘ five chapters. The snooping would have to wait. Alex was on her way to meet...[Read More]
Deathloop defies expectations. As a player who has keenly watched the numerous trailers for Deathloop since its announcement I went in expecting a number of things. When I first saw Colt teleport across a surface I thought, “Oh, that’s Blink from Dishonored.” When the cyclical, time-looping plot was revealed I thought, “Oh, that’s the trippy narrative from Prey.”...[Read More]
During Travis Touchdown’s fight against the Number 10 alien in the Galactic Superhero Ranking he became enveloped in Gundam-style armor and took to space to continue the duel. I barely had a clue what I was doing. The tutorial for the armor made a little bit of sense as it implied I just needed to move the camera around to lock on Mr. Black Hole–the #10 guy–and his weakpoints. Af...[Read More]
If you are the type of player who can easily corral a group of friends or is prone to openly chatting in silent lobbies, Tribes of Midgard may be for you. In fact, you’re the type of player who will likely enjoy the game the most. Over my several dozen hours with Tribes of Midgard, the times I had the most fun were when I loaded into a match where several people were openly talking, whether ...[Read More]